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I sat in my window seat watching the traffic below. I'm done with my homework and I've got nothing better to do. My mind drifted to my dad's town. They'll be setting up for the Halloween on Main Street. There was a Halloween party at this rich kids place, I decided against it. I'm not really into parties. Maybe a bonfire, wearing ripped up jeans, a tee shirt, and my favorite pair of boots. I then got bored and decided to look through my wardrobe for what I was taking over Christmas to my dad's.

Yeah. I kinda wish my dad had gotten more custody of me than mom. He cares a whole heck of a lot more than she does. When I was done I went to bed hoping tomorrow at school will be better.


Rich woke me up bright and early to get going. I got up, threw some clothes on not caring what was on the shirt or if the jeans had no holes. I threw on one of twelve pairs of Ariats I had in my closet before grabbing my worn out camo hoodie and throwing it on. I brushed my teeth and took breakfast with me. Rich sat in the back with mom and I as she went over her daily schedule. "You look like a hick." She spat. "So. It's my choice to look like one. Least I don't look like a slut." I said as I got out of the limo.

She's lucky I don't look like one. If I did I'm dang sure most of the teens here would be calling me one. Even though I still have my V card, and that's a card I'm keeping until I'm married, I still get a lot of criticism from the 'popular girls' here. Sure I can become friends with them and give them clothes my mom is forcing upon me, but that would be like me petting a venomous snake I'm allergic to and saying it won't bite. I got to my first hour and sat down at the back of the classroom.

Boredom, boredom, and more boredom. Let it begin. Two more weeks until I get to go back to Oklahoma. Good ole small town USA. I put my earbuds in playing Justin Moore. Even though I've spent more than half of my life in New York, that small town has had more influence than here. I'm sure everyone there knows me from my dad and his wife along with my half brothers. I'd rather have my dad's last name than mom's.

In my class before lunch it was so hot in that room that I had to take my hoodie off. The teacher called my name out. "Yes ma'am?" I asked. "Go to the office for wearing an advertising shirt." She told me. I looked down seeing I was wearing my JD Tennessee whiskey shirt. "Least I've got a shirt on unlike some of these girls. It just happens to have a brand of whiskey on it. I don't drink it. I'm definitely not advertising anything with it or even supporting anyone to drink it.

"If they drink it it's their decision. So in other words I'm not a walking poster or advertising anything. I'm wearing a tee shirt that covers my full upper body unlike several girls in this classroom. If you don't like it you could have just asked me to put my hoodie back on." She looked partially shocked at what I said. Schools with their new rules. I hope I get suspended so I can head to my dad's early.

At the end of the day I spotted the car walking straight to it. I got in being met with mom. "So when were you going to tell me about you going to your dad's for Christmas?" She asked looking down at her phone. "Thought you wouldn't notice." I muttered. "Hm?" She asked looking up. "Nothing." I told her. She brushed it off going back to her phone. It rang. She answered. Nothing much just some models and photographers for her next fashion show that I want no part in.

She hung up before turning to me. "I'm sorry Charlotte. A model just quit and I desperately need another close to her figure. I need you to be in it." Yup sounds like her. "Sorry I can't. I've got pre engagements." I told her. "Your going to have to cancel them." She said bluntly. Not missing Christmas with dad. I've missed it for sixteen years. Only do I see him on video chat Christmas morning. It's not the same. I'm going this year. It also includes my eighteenth birthday that mom also doesn't care about.

Once at the penthouse I went up and finished one suitcase filled with summer clothes. Then another with fall clothes. In between is valuables that mom doesn't know about. I'm leaving this cursed town and never coming back for any reason. My phone rang. I answered it seeing it was my dad. "So what did you do to tell a teacher off?" He asked. "Wore my Jack Daniels tee shirt. She obviously doesn't like Tennessee whiskey from the tone of her voice." I said.

"So you explained why you had it on." He said. "Yup. Even stated that 'at least I have an actual shirt on unlike some of my classmates'." I said. He scoffed. "Watch that attitude Charlotte Jordan." He told me. "Yes sir." I said. "I'll see you when you get here. I've got to go cook supper and make sure the boys shower." He said. "Love you." "Love you too dad." I said before hanging up. I finished what I started before going for a shower.

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