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We were on the couch with take out when Jasper came in. "Came back?" He asked. "Been back. Everything was talked out, we came back here, been here since." Andrew said. Jasper didn't honestly look thrilled. I stood up going over to him. I stopped in front of him. There was a certain glint in his eyes. I grabbed his hand pulling him to the bedroom after silently telling Andrew to stay put. He and I both knew why.

As soon as the door was closed, he started muttered. "May I talk?" I asked him. "Why? Why when you take his side instead of mine?" He asked. "I don't take sides. I make my own. If one of you want to side with me that's fine. I didn't side with him. I wanted time by myself last night. We all needed a night by ourselves. I went out, talked to Drew, he talked to me, we came back here, had a little fun, then relaxed the rest of the afternoon." I said.

"What do you mean by fun?" He asked. "You tell me what's bugging you, I'll show you what I mean by fun." I told him. "Ok. I hate how that guy is still out there hunting you down making you do things you didn't do before him. I hate how he thinks that he's going to get you back. I just don't know what to do with him doing all of this." He finally said dropping to the floor against the wall. I straddled his hips. "With both you and Drew here, he's not going to get me. He doesn't know how strong you are until you throw a punch or two at him when he's close to getting me." I said.

"He's still at large isn't he?" He asked. "I don't know. Drew hasn't said anything." I said. "Is there anything on your mind I should know bout?" He asked. I shook my head. "Then what did you mean by fun?" He asked. I took him out making him hard below me. "You make me cum on the carpet you'll be cleaning it." He said. I tried not to giggle. Before I could do more he picked me up setting me on the floor in front of the bed.

"Your finishing what you started before I start having my fun with you." He said. I knew exactly what he meant. I could tell he was close just by how erected he was. I put my hands back on him as he leaned on the bed to keep his hold. His knees behind my shoulders as if he was trying to hold me in place. When I saw a drip and he was looking up at the ceiling, I placed my lips around his tip. I took my hands off and licked on him.

He groaned. "Someone would be jealous." He rasped before looking down. He let out a curse. I sucked and messed with him that way before liquid went through my mouth. "Mother." He rasped before picking me up and setting me on the bed. He pulled something out of his back pocket and ripped the package open. He put it on before ridding himself of his jeans. He pulled my sweats off before kissing me. He didn't stop until I felt his tip against my opening.

"Someone definitely will be jealous if he finds out that you started this." He said. "Thought you'd say something like my lips taste salty." I said. "Never. Never would I say what your lips taste like. Even if you sucked him before I kissed you. It wouldn't matter." He said before going in. It felt like heaven. Wonder what it would feel like if they both were in.


I woke up before they did. I slipped out from between them and went to the bathroom. I got dressed and to the kitchen. They both called their boss last night asking for a day off. I fixed breakfast for the three of us. For anyone wondering, yes I am dating them. I answered their question when Andrew was holding me in his arms in the truck right after he found a place to pull off. Then after that is when I started losing my mind.

I looked out the kitchen window. I jumped screaming at the same time. I turned around quickly before looking again. Nothing. I looked out closer seeing nothing. First time I've done that with them here. Two arms pulled me away from the window. "What happened?" Jasper asked picking me up. "I. I saw him out by that tree." I said quietly. He set me on the counter then looked out. He must have saw something he didn't like before sneaking out the back door and slipping through the trees.

I sat quietly before he came back in. "You weren't crazy cupcake. I saw him too." He said. "Be right back. Make sure he doesn't leave that tree." He told me setting me on the floor. I looked out the window seeing him tied to a tree trying to get away. I could hear grumbling from the bedroom. "I'll watch. Go get him up." Jasper said. He moved me out of the way before spanking me to make me move. I walked to the bedroom and stood at the door.

I could see Drew still on the bed, laying on his stomach. I went over to it sitting crisscross right on his feet. "What do you want?" He grumbled. I moved to sit on his hips. "Not funny Jasper." He grumbled putting his pillow over his head. I moved to laying flat against his back. He didn't move. I moved so my head was able to get into the crook of his neck. I wedged it between the pillow and his head. I traced his muscles making him react to it.

I then kissed the base of his neck. He groaned. I sucked on his neck knowing I was now driving him crazy. A hand touched my waist before I was pulled halfway under him. "So he sent you to wake me." He rasped. "May not like who's tied to a tree outside." I said. "Why?" He asked. "You might wanna get dressed, because I was told to stay inside. Jasper is needing help with someone." I said. He pushed himself up. Then sat up on the side of the bed.

"Come here baby." He said. I wrapped my arms around his neck sitting right behind him. The mirror on top of my dresser showing every dip and curve of his body except what his hands were covering. I could see the patch of hair going from his belly button down to the thicker laid hair on his crotch. "What kind of trouble did he get into?" He asked. "Don't know. He tied someone to a tree." I said. "Stay here." He said grabbing his shorts and tugging just them on.

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