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I didn't know how long he held me to his side. It felt so comfortable to me that I finally had to put two arms around him to bury my head closer to his side. I could smell the leather soap and distinct cow manure smell that came from his white, fitting tee shirt. I felt a hand on my right thigh before I was picked up into his arms. I felt like a child finally being nurtured after being abandoned, abused, and forgotten by anyone who I thought cared.

Another body came up behind me. A hand rubbed my back while Andrew's head rested lightly on my shoulder while mine was on his. I could fall asleep in his hold. "Think we should?" I heard Jasper ask from behind me. "Not yet. Not until everything is secured." Andrew said. "Thinking bout going to bed?" Jasper asked me. I nodded with my eyes closed. He picked me up from Andrew's arms and set me on the floor. "Go get a shower first then come back in here." He said. I nodded going to the bedroom getting clothes then going to the bathroom.


Once I heard the shower running I turned to Jasper. "You honestly think she's ready to hear bout how relationships work with us?" I asked. He nodded. "Considering she's comfortable with us both doing the same thing at the same time? I'd say she may be open to the idea." He said. "I don't honestly want to scare her away. She's a really nice girl with a background that could have been better. I did some research on her mother seeing she was right bout how she was some big fashion designer and also found out she held fashion shows at the worst possible times. I wish we could have came here sooner to see how she went through the summer without a care. Then go back to the chaotic city life she hates." I said.

"I'm guessing she's gotten more fresh air here than when she was there. The first time I saw her she looked a little on the dull side with her skin and hair. Now she's tanned up and she looks like she's got color to her that stayed away for most of her life." He said. I heard the shower turn off as Jasper turned her supper on warming it up. As told she came back in here wondering what we were wanting after she was showered.


I stood waiting until Jasper reached into the cabinet getting a plate. He filled it with food. My stomach growled loudly since I didn't really eat lunch. He took the plate to the table. Andrew grabbed a piece of silverware curling his finger for me to follow. I sat down between them seeing what was on the plate. "Thought you would like something to eat before bed." Jasper said with a soft smile. It was like they knew I had barely eaten.

With how often my dad, Hailey, the twins and Josh were gone you would think they were moving. Every other weekend they're home and the twins are going to school all week long with them home. Josh, I don't know if he's found a job or not. "Do you know when they'll be back?" Andrew asked. "Who?" I asked before taking another bite. "Your family." He said. "No. I'd imagine the boys going to school tomorrow till Friday then stay home for the weekend before leaving the following Friday with my dad and Hailey." I said.

"Seems as if they're living a double life." Jasper said. "I'm never usually here during the school year. So I don't know if this is normal for them." I said. "If it's not then who knows. That would have to be looked into." Andrew said. I finished and told them I was going to bed. I honestly didn't know if this was normal. I don't know what is normal anymore. It's so tempting to pack up with my horse and find some rich rancher who will hire me.

It may be some old fart needing his cattle sorted and food cooked for him. I wouldn't mind doing that. One thing I'm going to do is save up some money for a nice piece of land for my horse and I.

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