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They both hold me close. Every time I had a freak out they were there to calm me down. I could have sworn I keep seeing him around town. The feed store, the grocery store, gas stations, I feel like I see him everywhere. Another nightmare or terror struck in the middle of the night. I didn't know if they were taking pity on me now or if they had the whole time. I feel like I'm going insane. Two sets of arms trying to comfort me. I felt like pushing them away, at the same time wanting them as close as possible.

I sat in the bathroom floor hot tears running wild as I struggled against this. It felt like anxiety. It felt like depression. It felt like I was completely psycho. That I belong in a straight jacket. They wouldn't understand what this feels like. I feel like a ticking time bomb really to explode. I couldn't control anything. I saw him everywhere. I'm losing my mind. I don't know how long I sat there lost in my own thoughts and mind trying to regain anything.

A hand touched me. I jumped. "Shh. It's alright baby girl." I let him pick me up and hold me. I don't know how long I sit and zone out. I don't know why I do either. "Did you go anywhere this morning?" He asked. I shook my head. He kissed the top of my head. "Wanna go outside?" He asked. I shook my head. "Come on." He said taking me with him to the bed. "Not even getting dressed?" He asked setting me on the bed. I shook my head.

Jasper appeared in the doorway. I watched as Andrew took his shirt off then jeans. He glanced back at me before going into the bathroom. Jasper came over kissing my cheek. "See him today?" He asked. I shook my head. "That's good sweet pea." He said. I heard clothes rustle before he got onto the bed behind me. He held me between his legs before rubbing my arms. My thighs hidden by a pair of sweatpants. He ran his hands over my thighs stopping midway.

"Thought we discussed that." He said in a soft tone, taking them off. I felt like breaking. Andrew came out. Jasper slipped from behind me over to him. They shared a silent conversation before Andrew came over. He picked me up laying me on the bed next to him. He held me as close as he could. A few minutes later Jasper was behind me. They both were once again holding me. I felt like a complete mess. "Baby. What did you do today other than sit in thought?" Andrew asked. I sat in thought. I woke up, ate breakfast with them so they wouldn't worry, then after they left I went to the bathroom, cut, wrapped the fresh wounds, and sat there for the rest of the time until I was found.

I hid my face against his shoulder. I could feel all of the little touches, them tracing patterns on my skin, I never deserved any of this. Andrew's phone went off. He rolled over and grabbed it checking it before getting up and going to another room. Jasper pulled me to him. "You know how safe you are with us?" He asked. I nodded. "Always safe with us." He said. "What if I ask if I can take tomorrow off and take you out to explore."

"Yeah." I said quietly. "No woods, plenty of people to hide out in. I doubt he's around here." He said. "He is." I mumbled. "How would you know?" He asked. I don't think he'd believe me. "Char. How would you know if he's here? Have you been seeing him? Catching glimpses?" He asked. I nodded. "Ok. We've got to get groceries tomorrow. And if you see him once I want you to tell me. However many times you see him, I want to know. Alright?" He asked. I nodded.

"Believe me when I say this, he's more scared of Andrew than me." He said. Then kissed on my face. Another body got in behind me. I could tell it was Drew by the scent. His lips found the back of my neck. I felt the tank top removed from my body. Drew's hands slipping under the fabric of my bra. His rough hands felt good. Jasper's hands found my butt. I squirmed in their hold. "I think she's ready." Jasper said. "You sure she is?" Drew asked him.

I was moved onto my stomach, my head on Jasper. "Would you like to know how we take even better care of our woman?" Andrew asked me. I could feel his hands on my waist lifting me gently. I felt his weight gone as Jasper put a leg between mine. He lifted my face up to his. His lips were soft against mine as the weight went back on the bed. Drew's thumbs pressed gently into my hips as he leaned over me. I felt my underwear move from my butt down my legs a bit.

I felt his thumb go against the hole. I nearly jumped when his thumb went in. "Not this time?" He asked. I shook my head. He kissed my upper back before lowering my underwear more. He practically took them off. Jasper picked me up almost holding me against Andrew who was on his knees. He then went to the bedside table drawer grabbing something. Drew kissed my neck nearly distracting me from what Jasper was doing.

I felt fingers press on my inner thighs separating them. Then a finger ran along my area. I watched as Jasper licked it then moved even closer. In the shadow of the room I could see everything below his hips. Even the thin layer that would prevent a pregnancy. He started by kissing me before hoisting me up. Drew held me tightly against him. I could feel him right against my butt. I could feel Jasper at my front. Drew's hands gripped my thighs pulling my legs farther apart. Jasper gripped the back of my thighs. His tip at my entrance.

"Do you absolutely want to feel how much we both want you with us?" Jasper asked. I nodded. Their bodies felt good against mine. "One more thing." Andrew said. He removed one hand taking my bra off. Then placing it back on my thigh. I felt Jasper slide in. It hurt. I felt him come out a bit before going farther in. I laid my head back on Drew's shoulder. He kissing me softly while Jasper took me. I knew Andrew would want a turn.

In a slow release I came undone. "My turn now. You'll love how it feels after the first thrust." Drew whispered in my ear.

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