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He hung up after that last line. I finished my cake quickly before standing and stretching. I to the kitchen, got a quick drink of water then decided to go to bed. I settled in the middle of the bed stretching out before another body was on one side and another one on the other. Andrew was the one closest to the door and Jasper the window. Four arms wrapped around me. "Char." "Hm?" I said comfortably between them.

"What would you do if we left?" Jasper asked. "Be sad that you two aren't next door to come over when I'm lonely." I said. "Are we friends or more than that?" Andrew asked. "Depends on what you think we are." I told him. He pulled me closer to him and sat me up on his hips. Something more intimate than we've been doing. "I think we're more than we all think we are. No one has accepted us that fast after meeting us completely. Even after you were completely skeptical bout us. The first night you didn't question why Jasper was holding you while I was cleaning the mud off your feet. You didn't question anything bout us handing you to the other without hesitation just to get up and do something before coming back." He said.

"Same with cooking and cleaning. We let you help us cook, clean, feed, going on long horseback rides through the property, I don't think I've smiled or laughed this much in a while. Your so crazy and it works well with us. All we did was want to work until meeting you. Now we know how to spend our free time. With you, doing anything feels like we're doing something." Jasper said with a hand on my lower leg. I laid down on Andrew's chest.

"That doesn't work very well with me aggele." He said. "Why not?" I asked. "He likes being on top instead of the bottom." Jasper said. I slipped off him landing on my back right up against Jasper. Andrew rolled over gripping my hips and pulling me right under him. His knees on opposite sides of me holding me in place. He was sitting up to where he was over my just not putting any weight on me. Jasper pulled me from under him.

"You may like them like that, I prefer them on top. Especially when they can lay on me afterwards." Jasper said. I realized what they were talking about. He pulled me up on him letting me lay down. The sweats on my legs were removed. I felt a hand run from my tailbone to the top of my area. I shivered. "How many more days?" Andrew asked. "Four." I answered. The same hand rubbed right in the center. I tried to keep it together. Then the thumb pressed right into the sensitive area.

"I wouldn't continue Andrew." Jasper said. "Why not?" He asked. "You'd be cleaning something off me." He groaned. I tried to sit up. Jasper held me down. I now know it was Drew rubbing me. He stopped pulling me halfway off Jasper laying with half his weight on me and a hand splayed out across my area. "Up just a little." I muttered. He did. The heat from his hand calming the cramps. I sighed. One arm on one side of Jasper and the other on his arm closest to me.

In the middle of the night I had to get up to use the bathroom. I didn't realize how bad the cramps were until I coiled up on the cold tile floor wanting the heat and nausea gone. The door cracked open. I didn't see who it was until I was sat on the counter between two sinks with who it was standing between my legs and he said something. "You ok Char?" I rested my head on his chest. "Sick?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Hurting?" He asked. I nodded. He stepped away for a second then came back. "Take this." He said. I knew it was ibuprofen. He handed me a cup of water to drink with it. Then carried me back to the bed. He set me down before going back to the bathroom. Putting me before the need to go pee. These two are crazy.

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