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Shopping for bands wasn't as easy as most would expect. The engagement rings were to a three piece set. The two they gave me, one for each, had a dip out for the final diamond on the middle ring that they had yet to show me. It took us going to different jewelry stores before they liked the titanium bands. I then went online to look and found two. One black with white cables and one white with black cables.

They came in the mail yesterday and since they were sized in the multiple jewelry stores we went to I memorized who was which size. I hid the box with them under the bed and quickly went for a bath taking the two rings off and setting them on the ring holder. Only six more months. I had my dress fitted and most of the details done. It definitely won't take us that long to finish everything up. When my dad overheard he didn't sound too thrilled about it.

I pinned my hair up after washing it and put in some bubble bath and salts before turning the jets on. In no time bubbles were nearly over the top and I was nearly buried in them. A whistle came from the bedroom. I whistled back. The door opened. "How was work?" I asked Jasper as he came in. "Tired. Not too bad though. Drew will be in here in a moment." He said as he undressed. I sunk lower into the tub. "Hair washed?" He asked turning the jets off. I nodded. He got in sitting across from me.

Drew then came in without his clothes. "Think I got the worst of a bull's beating today." He said grabbing a towel. "The vet wrap and medical tape not hold?" Jasper asked. "Not in the mood." Drew told him as he heated a needle up. "Come over here." I told him. He grabbed the peroxide. "No. Rubbing alcohol." I told him. He switched them and grabbed the needle and thread. Then sat on the side of the tub. "How did you do this?" I asked him as I threaded the needle with the thread.

I used the alcohol to disinfect it before starting to stitch it up. He tensed as I started on one side of the laceration. "If your muscles are tense it will hurt worse babe." I told him. He moved to lean back against the wall. He took a deep breath as I continued to work on it. When I had it done once he was trying to get up. "Not done." I told him. "Please?" He asked. "Nope. Knowing you, you'll pop the stitches. What I want to know is why you didn't go to get it checked out or called me to come doctor it when it happened." I said going back through a second time.

He groaned. "Well. We were busy cutting the bulls that weren't fit for breeding and they thought it would be fun for me to be the man to go out and bring them in even though they were told not to let me out there with them." He said just before I was done. "So in other words they wanted to try and get you killed." I said. "If you wanna say that. Then when we got off work I was putting new gauze on it when Jasper there, and two of the three bosses came over with him to ask how the day went." He started.

"I didn't know it had happened until Drew was telling them bout it." Jasper said as I finished cleaning the area. "Good to go. Don't get any water on it. If you're going to shower, I wouldn't recommend it. A bath with the water below your hips would be best." I told him. "What bout a sponge bath?" He asked. "That works too. Tomorrow if you do go to work, cover it with the thick medical tape instead of the thin, the vet wrap works too." I told him.

"Thank you baby girl." He said grabbing a rag. He dipped it into the water and grabbed his body wash. He quickly washed the top half of his body before the bottom being careful around the laceration. He then stood up and dried off dropping the towel and stretching. "I don't think I want the stitched to pop or tear skin while we're doing that baby." Drew said before going back into the bedroom. "Does that mean I get to have fun tonight?" Jasper asked.

"He may get jealous." I said. "He won't when he sees what I'm doing." He said. He drained the tub and picked me up out of the water. He grabbed a package out of the drawer and told me to bend over the counter.

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