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Jess and I were along the shore of the lake near the edge. We had a radio playing softly as we sat and talked about our problems. I was getting a nice tan. Brad Paisley went over the radio. "Oh. Guess what Jake did." Jess said. "Tell." I said. "He invited some of his buddies to a date that was supposed to be between the two of us. Next time I'm inviting all of my friends to crash the next date." She said. "Are you sure he didn't?" I asked as I casted my line once again.

She turned to face me. "He smirked before saying "I've got a surprise for you baby." She said. "Then they showed up." I said. "Yup. And he was fine with it. Talking to them and not paying any attention to me after that." She said. "Should have called me to pick you up. He probably wouldn't of noticed." I said. "Probably wouldn't of." She said. Josh and two of his buddies passed by. "Need out in the open?" My cousin yelled. "Nope. Don't need any guys." I yelled back.

"You know this is the last time we can go fishing before we start our jobs." She said. "Yup. Let's fish till past dark." I said. That's exactly what we did. I had a new stringer after twelve fish and it was nearly full with another. I knew Josh was already gone and was probably busy. My dad was asleep so would Hailey. I told my friend that I would be fine and got out the twenty foot stringer for the rest of the night.

My phone buzzed around three thirty. It was Josh texting asking if I was home. 'Nope. Still fishing.' I texted him. I heard the hum of an engine before seeing him in a boat by himself. "Need a lift back?" He asked. "Thought you were already gone." I told him. "Nah. Knew you were still out here trying to get as many as you could." He said coming closer to the bank. I handed him my pole before untying the first stringer. He took it.

"Looks like more than a meal." He said. "Just wait." I said getting another twelve fish stringer. He took it before I got the bigger one. "Jeez what was the total?" He asked. "Lost track." I said. He took the fish off the stringers putting them in the holding tank. "Your dad will freak if we wake him up for this." He said once they were all in. "How much room is left?" I asked. "Probably one or two." He said. "Think I can get it." I said. We both caught a fish each before heading back.

"Think you can back the truck down the ramp?" He asked. "I think I can." I told him. I was successful enough to do it. The ride home was silent. We were the only ones on the road heading to the house. Once there we spent the rest of the early morning hours flaying fish and putting the filets into ziplock bags. It was nearly sun up when we were done. "Good thing I'm looking for a job." Josh said. I scoffed. "Good thing my shift starts after noon." I said.

"I'll let you shower first. I'll stick these in the freezer." He said. As I entered the house dad and Hailey were sitting at the kitchen table. "Were you two out all night?" Dad asked. "He brought me home from the lake and we both were outside getting the fish ready to be put in the freezer." I said. He nodded. "I was just going to get a shower then take a quick nap before my first shift this afternoon." I said motioning to the stairs.

Henry and Zeke came thundering down the stairs. It was their second week of school. I went up to my bedroom getting clothes then getting a quick shower before letting Josh get one quickly. I collapsed on my bed happy I was finally getting sleep. I stayed out way too late and this morning. I was down and out before Josh was even out of the shower. At eleven thirty my phone rang for my alarm. Five forty five to eleven thirty. Roughly five hours and fifteen minutes of sleep.

Wish me good luck at this job.

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