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I got up and found my swimsuit putting it on. I tied the top in the back before the tie behind my neck. My bottoms were always easier to put on. I found a pair of shorts pulling them on before a random tank top. It displayed the sides and neck straps of the top piece. I found some ankle socks and pulled on a pair of boots. I threw a cap on and grabbed my phone as a horn honked outside. I went out to Jess' truck hopping into the bed.

Kylie and Ash sat in the back with me with the fishing gear. When we got to Warika Lake where we fished every summer I was here even if we had to walk. We put sunscreen on our arms and legs. I took the sunscreen with me down to the edge with my fishing pole. I took my boots and socks off spraying my feet. I rubbed some in on my face before setting the can in my boot along with my phone with the ringer up. I casted my line standing off in the water slightly. We didn't really need to worry about leeches in this part of the lake.

I wasn't getting anything so I decided to take my shorts and tank off going out to the rocks with my own stringer. "That's some bravery." Ash yelled. "Least I can." I yelled back my NY accent and southern accent mixing. They laughed just as I felt a tug on the line. I started reeling the line in getting a good sized channel cat on the line. It was within size requirements and fighting me on the line. I put him on my stringer tying it to a heavy log near me. I went back to fishing. From where I was I could see boats passing and people on wave runners.

A crappie was on my line next. I looked at my skin seeing I was partially burning. Not worth swimming back to the shore for more sunscreen. A boat of boys passed by whistling as I was stringing another fish on. I looked back seeing they were circling back. I grabbed my pole and stringer heading back. I got back to the bank before they even arrived. I was holding up seven fish to show them. "Looks like you attracted attention." Kylie said as I pulled my shorts on. "Didn't mean to." I said.

Jake and a few buddies showed up as those guys stopped. I could tell Jake was already becoming the overly protective boyfriend. They had a boat with them so I assumed they were going out to fish. "What do you think your doing coming anywhere near these girls?" One of his buddies said. "Coming to say hello to the beautiful ladies trying to fish. Thought they needed some help." One of the guys on the boat said. "Obviously we don't need any help. As long as we can bait a hook and put the fish on a stringer we're good." I smarted off to him.

He cocked an eyebrow at me. "Well it appeared you needed some help stringing that one fish." He said. I pulled the stringer out of the water showing how many I had on it. "Well it appears that I don't need a man to help me fish and to take me." I told him. I could tell some of Jake's buddies were close to laughing. The guy driving the boat was already backing up. The one that was trying to get me to go along with them told him to stop.

"Why do you think she has to go with you?" I recognized the guy as the one that was with Jake the other day. "I'm pretty sure she can handle herself better than you think." He said. The guy was glaring at him. Then gave the signal to leave. They left the little cove area. Ash handed me a five gallon bucket for my seven fish. I put the fish in the bucket as a wildlife official pulled in. He asked about the fish in the bucket and which kinds there were. He looked at them and counted how many of each even asking for a fishing and hunting license.

I luckily had gotten mine renewed two weeks after arriving. I showed mine, so did my friends and Jake's buddies. "Y'all are good to go. Stay safe and report any unsafe conditions." He said before going back to his vehicle. I pulled my boots back on along with the tank top. "Well we can go out in the boat and see what we can catch or we can go down the shore looking for more fishing spots." One of the guys said.

"I've got a meal for my family tonight. If I catch anymore I might have enough for the rest of the summer." I said as I texted my cousin. I knew he'd be here in a bit and if I casted far enough I'd probably waste enough time for him to show up. They put the boat in and the truck and trailer parked just as Josh pulled up. "I'll return the bucket." I told Jess. "Have fun flaying." She said getting onto the boat. I picked the water and fish filled bucket up carrying it up to the truck.

"How many this time?" Josh asked waving to them. "Seven." I said. He looked in the bucket at them. "Not bad sized." He said. "Had to force myself to stop before I fished out the lake." I said. He scoffed putting the bucket up by the cab. "Hop in then and tell me bout it." He said. I did seeing how burnt I was going to be. "So where on that bank did you catch them?" He asked. "Off the bank actually. There was a huge rock in center off to the side of the boat ramp near the edge of the small area." I said.

"So you swam out with your rod and got them there." He said. "Oh I could touch the bottom. It was bout to the bottom of my shoulder blades." I said. We got to my dad's house and got out. "You going to help cook them or go get a shower and stay in your room until it's done?" He asked. I looked at him oddly as he dumped a little water out. "And they're off the stringer." He mumbled. "So, on the tailgate or a cutting board?" I asked.

It was his turn to give me a weird look. "If you can get the fish out of the bucket I'll let you chop off the head." He said. I was able to pull the fish out and flay both sides. While I cut the meat off the fish itself he was getting the skin off the filet. The barn cats from next door were down by our feet watching and waiting for a fish. When we were done Hailey opened the door for us before telling me to go shower. "Yes ma'am." I said. "And get dressed for dinner we're inviting the new neighbors over." She yelled.

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