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"You guys want an explanation don't you." I said. "Kinda." Jasper said. "Ok. The summer I turned sixteen Jess and I went fishing and caught a whole bunch of speckled catfish not knowing that they were trying to get the numbers up to be fished. So when lake patrol came by they saw the fish we had, they inspected every single fish before saying that they were protected fish and that if we had gotten them all the way to the ramp we were going to have to pay a hefty fine and suspend our fishing license for two years. The fish were unharmed, because they were hand fished, so we just put them back into the water and thanked the officer for letting us know before we did get a fine. I told him after finding out that we didn't know that they were trying to replenish the stock and since then the officers that patrol over here know Jess and I come over here for catfish." I said.

"So in other words..." Drew started. "Almost poached fish and almost got a hefty fine that I would have gotten money from my mother to pay for my half." I said. I then checked to see if one was missed. "What are you doing?" Jasper asked. "Making sure there's not another one." I said. "None?" Drew asked. "None." I said closing it back. "I think we've had enough sun for today. She's starting to look red." Drew said. Jasper then took notice. "Jeez girl. Might as well slather on the Aloe Vera gel." He said.

"I've got something better." I told him. "Think they're at the house?" Jasper asked. "Probably. Probably went up to his room and they're still there." I said. "I don't think I want to know." Drew said. "Probably not." Jasper said back. We went back to the ramp, loaded the boat and went back to my house. I let them go shower as I went to get one myself. Oh my skin hurt when I stripped out of my clothes. I had sun marks from where my bikini was. It was that bad. I got a warm nearly hot shower to get the heat off the burn. I then used my bath and body works shower gel on it.

I washed my hair then turned the water off and got dressed in a bra and underwear. I grabbed the aloe lotion about to put it on when Jasper poked his head into the bathroom. "Come out here with it Char." He said. I moved closer before he picked me up setting me on the bed. "All the way down to your feet and lines from where the straps were." He said. He looked at where the strings were on my bikini seeing red there too. Along the edge of my butt, around each breast, and along the front near my restricted area.

"Lay on your belly on the bed." He said. I did so laying there. Drew came in and sat on the bed on my other side. I felt the clasp from my bra come loose. "Don't worry we're not undressing you. It's in the way." Drew said. I felt two hand on my back massaging it in. I tried to keep quiet with any sounds. Another set of hands went along one leg all the way down to my ankle. Then the arm on that side. "Roll over." Drew's voice echoed in the room as the bra clasp was redone. I rolled over my eyes catching his. He rubbed down the leg that was missed along with the arm.

Jasper got my belly for the most part along with my sides and collarbone. He then picked me up holding me. I didn't know what was going on until I felt my underwear move up almost like I was given a wedgie. "Probably should have gotten her butt too. Least this one isn't as bad as her legs and arms." Andrew said. I felt the cool lotion on one side then the other. "Enjoying this aren't ya?" Jasper whispered to me. I buried my head in the crook of his neck.

"You going to let one of us put it on the sunburnt part of your breasts or are you?" He asked. I was about to answer when Drew did. "I don't think she'll mind very much. It wasn't the whole thing at least." He said. I just sat there watching as he concentrated on making sure it was rubbed in. Then got a little more and glanced at Jasper. Jasper loosened his hold. I felt another warm body behind me. Andrew loomed behind me, he ran his palms over the exposed parts of my thighs before the outer parts of my area with his finger tips.

I sighed quietly enjoying the little touches. He got a little more before using one hand this time to put it on where I was sunburnt. "Should get you a top that doesn't burn there." Drew muttered. "Go get some jeans and a tee shirt on. Looks like you need new sheets and a comforter for this room." He said. They let me go to the dresser to get the clothes. My legs felt a little better after the lotion along with my arms and belly. I heard a slight crash.

"You need to get your own place." I heard Jess yell. Then footsteps on the stairs. I grabbed a pair of socks and hid behind the corner as Josh came down without a shirt. "No. I don't know what's going to happen. If you want the child you can have it, but you're going to have to get your own place and find a job round here to support it." She told him. She left. He turned seeing me peeking from behind the wall. "How much did you hear?" He asked. "Just enough." I said. "I don't know what to do." He said.

"Well I bet you can find a house easily." I said.

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