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I sat on a lounge chair out on the back deck in a suit that had no top strings. "Enjoying yourself cupcake?" Jasper asked. I nodded. "Nearly ready to go home tomorrow?" He asked sitting down next to me. "Yeah." I answered. "Here, roll over." He said. I rolled over. He undid the clasp on my back. "Nearly nicely tan." He said. I chuckled. "Both you and Drew have tans still from last summer." I said. "Well you know if you want to, we could go back for a visit." He said.

"Nah. I'm good." I said. The sliding door came open. "Change of plans. We have to pack up and leave today." Drew said coming out. "Is most of our stuff packed?" Jasper asked. "Yeah. Except for a few choice things." Drew told him. I unlocked my phone and opened my period planner app. I had to remove my sunglasses and shade the screen to see it better. "Is this right?" I asked Jasper letting him see. "Wait your not?" He asked. "Not what?" Drew asked.

"You have the tracker on your phone don't you Drew?" Jasper asked. "Which one?" He asked. "Period tracker." Jasper told him. He pulled his phone out. "Why did it start?" He asked. "No! How many days does it say on that one?" I asked him. "Ten." He answered me. "Same as mine." I said. Ten days late. "Woah. You mean?" "Maybe?" I said. "We have been having a lot more than usual dude." Jasper said. "So it could be either of us." Drew said.

"Wouldn't matter who's bio baby it is since we're both the dads. I personally don't care if we find out if it is mine or yours. I'll still love it like it is my own." Jasper said. "True. Same." Drew said. The chance of me being pregnant to either of them didn't affect anything. They don't care if it is the other's child.


I tried to hold the puke back. Morning sickness. All day long. I tried just crackers and ginger ale, nope. Just got to get through this. I laid on the floor acting dead. A week after getting back from the honeymoon I went to the doctors to see. Turns out, I am pregnant. In no time I was home and knew they'd be wanting to know.

The front door opened. We had the house completely furnished except the bedrooms. Well a crib was the first piece of furniture in there. And it's not put together yet. "All day again?" Jasper asked coming in first. "Yup. Tried the crackers and ginger ale. Not even that." I said. Drew then came in. "I'd say a nice relaxing shower." He said. "Sounds nice, except every time I stand or sit up, I get motion sickness and run to the bathroom to puke up nothing." I said.

"Drinking?" He asked. "All day long. My bladder hasn't been emptied since six this morning because my stomach has doing that for it." I said as Drew picked me up. "It'll get better." Jasper said gently taking me from him. I groaned. "If I puke on you or the floor your cleaning it." I told him. He carefully sat me down. "Severe morning sickness." Drew said. "Did your mom have this problem?" Jasper asked. "Don't know. She was never around for this." I said.

I led the way down to the basement before going to the master bedroom. I went right to the shower with them behind me. To be honest the cravings have been weird. I turned the water on for my shower head. "Could you sit for me?" Drew asked. I sat down on the shower seat. He crouched down in front of me. "Did anything stay down baby?" He asked. "No." I answered. "This may stay down then. Open up and suck." He stood up going right between my legs.

He must have been rubbing himself hard because he was stiff. Jasper got in behind me. I knew they both wanted the best for me. I did as he said. Jasper's fingers massaging my area. I was able to swallow holding it down for longer than I can water or food. "That may have settled her stomach." Jasper said. "That's what we're both hoping for." Drew said.

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