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I was looking in the mirror at myself in the white dress. Then looked down at the double rings missing the diamond in the center. "Hey you alright?" Ida asked coming up to me. "I don't know. I'm ready for this, it's just..." "You'll be fine. I was the same way last year when I married my three. The best part is that no one can try to get you to try and pick here. We became engaged after a secret relationship kept from my parents, them only knowing about one of them." She said.

"How did it work out when your parents eventually found out?" I asked her. "Oh. They don't know still. They think I just married the one they always saw." She said. "Yet. My dad knows and he didn't want to come. My cousin is more supportive and understands how this is working." I said. "I can understand that. Here." She handed me the bouquet of flowers. "Now he'll be here in a moment to escort you. I'll be waiting." She said before leaving.

I looked in the mirror longer. A knock came to the door. "Charlie. You ready?" Josh asked. He looks worse than he did last week when he accidentally forgot about his child. Jake actually went to pick up his nephew and over heard that Josh forgot and took him home to Jess. Yeah. A black eye and a warrant from Jess for Josh to stay away from there had him move in with us. The guys just shrugged and built a small apartment there for him off the side of he house.

He got a job welding and is currently here about to escort me down the isle. I opened the door seeing him. "Ready? The sooner this is over the sooner that hotel room is there." He said. I took a deep breath before stepping out. He let me hook my hand on his arm. "Smile. The bride is supposed to look happy." He said. "How? When the one that was supposed to be here isn't?" I asked. "I know they don't want you to be sad." He said. "Your not listening!" I told him.

"I am. I just don't want to talk bout this. You deserve happiness and those two at the other end of the isle. I know you deserve them. They've made you the happiest I've actually seen you since I met you. I suggest that this will be the happiest moment of your life until children come along. I guarantee that if your dad couldn't support this decision even though he moved away from where you three mostly were, and he didn't see how happy they made you then I'd say he wasn't really there.

"I've tried to get custody of my son. She honestly doesn't care. It's turning into your situation. Jake cares bout the little boy. He obviously still cares bout her. I care bout my son. I was working late and when I went to go get him from the daycare, Jake had picked him up before I even could. Then Jess wouldn't let me explain why I was late to pick him up." He said. "I'm starting over. This is just your beginning. Your chance for happiness for the rest of your life. I'm doing this for you. And them. They're family now no matter what."

I gave a small smile. "They love you. I can see you love them too. I'm your second witness. Now. Are you ready to walk down the isle and get this over with?" He asked. I nodded. The dream is all little girls want their dads to walk them down the isle. Some don't have a dad to. Some have their older brother or a best friend that is a guy. Some walk alone. I smiled when I saw how handsome they looked. I'll give them the real rings afterwards fake ones will do for now. I went over that detail with them. Plastic, fake rings for the service. The real rings are in my jeans pocket in the bridal room.

After all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen were there it was my turn. The queazy feeling wouldn't stop. I felt like puking. Josh led me down the isle to the both of them. They both stepped down shaking his hand and letting me hug him before they both led me up.

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