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It was colder here in September than it was in southern Oklahoma. The guys had let me go shopping in the town stores for any long sleeves for myself and them. Yesterday Drew ripped some jeans and cursed saying he needed some more. So I'm hitting up the places to get them jeans, shirts and underwear. I got myself some too. When I went to the last store I found cheap clothes for both me and them. Yes. I'm on crutches. Yes. This is hard for me to shop and hobble around.

A lady came up to me. "Need any help honey?" She asked. "Please?" I asked. "Visiting or living here?" She asked. "Just moved here two months ago." I said. "Single or not?" She asked. "Dating." I said. "Let me guess. Forced to move here because of people not liking your dating presences?" She asked. "Yeah. They actually got me into it after I spent nearly six to seven months not dating them." I said. "That's how it was for me. I'm guessing they're out trying to find work?" She asked.

"Not exactly. They're working on the walls and ceiling of the basement of our developing house." I said. "Oh. Out of town just a ways?" She asked. "Yes." I said. "I'm Ida." She said introducing herself. "Charlie." I replied. "Nice to meet you. Here. I'll carry these while you pick and sort through." She said. "Thank you." She followed behind as I went through for only my clothes. When I was done I led the way to the counter.

"I think there's a construction business around here that's hiring if your boys are into that." Ida said. "Nah. They prefer to ranch." I said. "Then there's a ranch looking for two ranch hands about twelve miles from where the house is being built." She said. "I think that's what they were going to look into once the house was up and had everything going." I said. "They sure are working fast with the plumbers and electricians they hired." She said as I swiped Jasper's card.

He gave me permission on his card for clothing and groceries. I then led the way to the truck. "You can just throw them in the backseat. I've got to pick them up lunch and take it to them so they eat." I said. "I'll see you around town then." She said. "You too." I said getting in. "Thank you for the help." "No problem." She said going back in. I drove to a restaurant getting food for all three of us before going to the house. I'm driving with my left foot. My right foot was propped up on the seat.

When I got there they both had their shirts off and Andrew had another tear in his jeans. He's lucky I bought him more jeans, with Jasper's card. I parked the truck unbuckling. I opened the door easing out. Two arms settled around my waist. "Back?" Jasper asked. "Yeah. Brought food with me." I said as he handed me my crutches. Tomorrow I go to get a walking boot on. "Have any trouble?" He asked following me with the food in hand.

"A little. For the most part I didn't have any help. Then the last place I went I met a lady working there. She offered to carry the clothes while I shopped. We held a nice conversation and talked." I said. "Name?" He asked. "She said her name was Ida. She moved here with her guys." I said. "Same as us?" He asked. "Yup. We then got into talking bout all of this and where you and Drew could be working after this." I said.

"Found a construction company hiring. Drew wasn't too please since he's already ripped most of his jeans." He said. "Yeah. I told her you two would rather be on a ranch working cattle." I said. "You definitely know us." He said. "There's a ranch twelve miles from here hiring." I said. "If they keep the positions open long enough." He said. "I bet they will. Winter here is colder and just bout as slow." I said. Drew was sitting on his tailgate waiting. He must have said to the help to take a break.

He lifted me onto his lap once I was close enough. "Have a good morning?" He asked. I nodded. He kissed my cheek. "Let's eat so we can get back to work." Jasper said. Drew scoffed. "You and food." Drew said.

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