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When Andrew was done with my back I looked up at him. He picked me up setting me between them. "Is it too late to be asking questions?" I asked them. "Depending on what kind of questions." Andrew said. "How you two started sharing." I said. "Depends on what it is we're sharing." Jasper said. I shifted in my seat. "Do you mean how we started sharing girls?" Andrew asked. I nodded. My head against Jasper. His hand catching my thigh.

"How did that happen?" Drew asked Jasper. I could tell Andrew was trying to get Jasper to talk about it. "I think it started with us dating the same girl without the other knowing." Jasper said. "Trying to cheat on us to make us hate each other." Andrew said. "I guess it worked on making us closer. Your dad moved us into the same room after finding out that we were sleeping in the same bed still fully clothes and not even having a doubt of us being gay." Jasper said.

"Yeah. And the last girl we dated in high school didn't realize we both knew what was going on until we both went up to her saying we broke up with her. Then we didn't date until the fall after senior year." Andrew said. "When was that?" I asked. "Two years ago." Jasper said. "Then the girl became super clingy, super fast and wanting everything from us. She followed us here and tried to get us to take her in." Andrew said. "I ignored her for the most part. I know that." Jasper said.

"She somehow always slipped by me. And somehow always found a way to get in bed with me." Andrew said. "And if I remember, you hated it when she tried and always dumped her on the couch." Jasper said. I looked up at the both of them. "How did we get off topic?" I asked. They both chuckled deeply. "Your probably going to have to get used to that Char." Jasper said.

"Might have to." I said. I then remembered the cake. My stomach rumbled lightly. "Are you still hungry?" Jasper asked. "Depends on what the time of month it is." I said. "One second." Jasper said. He got up making me fall onto the cushion where he once was. Drew picked me up setting me in his lap. "How big of a slice of cake?" Jasper asked. "What kind of question is that?" I asked him. Andrew chuckled. "Make her's bigger than mine. You know how big of a slice of cake I like." He almost yelled. "Jeez. I should make one just for her." Jasper said coming back with three plates balanced.

He handed one to me, one to Andrew and kept the last for himself. I moved back to the middle seat this time leaning on Andrew. Smokey and the Bandit played on CMT. My phone rang. Jasper paused the tv and answered it for me. Josh came through. "Are the bags in the truck?" He asked. "Yeah. In the bed of my dad's truck. Both the baby bag and her overnight bag. How is she doing?" I asked. "Asleep. Had to do a c-section. The cord was already cutting off air circulation to the brain. Even after arguing with the doctor, I was finally able to convince her to go with what the doctor was saying because of the threat of losing the baby." He said.

"Finally find out what the gender was?" I asked. "Little boy. I have a feeling I'm going to pay for multiple things I did." He said. "Just raise him right and like a gentleman and he'll turn out all right." I told him. "Easier said than done." He said. "Boys are usually easier to raise anyway." I said. "Hope your right. And I hope I bought the right house." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I bought one of the two houses for sale between your house and town." He said.

"That's good." I said. "I hope I made the right decision." I heard him sigh through the phone. "I want to marry her Charlie. I know I messed up nine months ago, but I want to make things right. I want to be there for that little boy for the rest of his life and no duel life like you had. I want him to grow up with both of his parents knowing we both love him." He said. "I'd keep being there for her especially when things get rough." I told him. "Thanks cuz."

"What for?" I asked him. "For giving me the strength to face this fear instead of running from it." He said. "Your welcome. And you better remember that family will help you through this and if she's family too, you've got to let her help you with it. Because it's not just your child, it's hers too." I told him. "I'll always remember that. Especially when I see her every day."

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