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After being awake since the alarm went off I was hungry and bored. I jumped up being grabbed by one of them. "Don't you even jump up and do anything." Jasper said pulling me back onto the bed. I groaned before trying to get off the bed on Andrew's side. Nope. He nearly smothered me laying me on my stomach laying on top of me. "Chill baby. Long nights require more sleep." He grumbled. I tried to get up even under his body. "Not working." He said wrapping his arms tighter around me. I still tried.

"Go back to sleep." Jasper said from his side. I hooked my foot on the side of the bed trying to tow myself out. I was almost out from under him when he moved to his side trying to grab me, I fell onto the floor. I jumped up running into the living room. He was hot on my heels. I went up the stairs, went through the 'closet' door and down the back set of stairs. I got back to the bedroom and jumped onto the bed. Jasper grumbled. "How are you up this early?" He asked.

"It's one in the afternoon. You two said you'd be up at eight this morning to start taking apart the bathroom." I said. He jumped to grab his phone. Then said a curse word before jumping out of bed. "Why didn't you wake us up then?" He asked as Andrew came in. He had a puzzled look on his face. "Guess who didn't set the alarm." Jasper said to him. "Oh it went off. I hit dismiss because I couldn't see straight after going to bed at four in the morning." He said.

"Should have woken me up and gone up to one of those bedrooms." Jasper said. I stayed on the bed while they bickered. I finally whistled loud enough to get their attention. They both looked at me. "I was up since the alarm went off and you both were out cold. The phone went dead at ten after going off every five minutes. I couldn't get up to turn it off because I was being held down. Now that you both are up, one has to go feed hungry horses, while the other gets everything together. You both aren't eating until before bed. I will make sure of that." I told them as I went out of the room.

I went to the kitchen fixed me something to eat before locking all of the food up so they couldn't get anything. Then went back getting their phones. I took the chargers hiding them and ran Jasper's battery down. Once it was dead I put both phones on the bed before going o the living room.


"Should have woken me up." I muttered as I helped Andrew pull the sink out. "You keep complaining bout it, I'll make sure you don't get up next time we have work." Drew said. "It's your a** that got us into waking up late. It's you that couldn't sleep last night. It's the both of us that got into trouble for something you did. I would have gotten up. I would have made her something to eat. Then asked if she would have liked to help me. Finally you working by yourself while she and I relaxed for a bit. How does that sound? Because I know this has to get done. And I know tomorrow someone is coming out to help run new lines from the new part of the foundation." I told him.

"Why?" He asked. "Because knowing you and I there will be a screw up and we both want her happy if we want to keep her around." I said. "I don't want here around. I need her around." Drew said. "Then I guess the more times you screw up, the farther she gets." I said before taking my half up while he got the other side. We took it outside disposing of it. Then went over to measure out six feet. "I'm thinking eight feet." Drew said. "Well we add at least six feet, then put both closets on that wall near where the bed is then move the bed, put her dresser and mirror between the doors, it should work." I said.

"I see where your going. Then we can put a multi head shower in where there will be a new shower, maybe keep the toilet where it is against that wall, move the tub back into where the old closet is sitting and move the sink and vanity to the wall with the closet on the other side." He said. "Think she'd love it." I said.

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