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"Charlotte!" Jasper yelled through the house. Two sets of feet thundered up the stairs. I hid the shirts I got for them under the bed. Jasper was about to walk in when he was grabbed and jerked back. "Dude seriously?" He asked. "Yeah. Because of this." Drew said heaving me up over his shoulder. I didn't kick or do anything to protest against him carrying me. Jasper followed right behind us. Andrew stopped. Jasper bent down kissing me.

Andrew opened the bedroom door and set me down. He kissed me before turning me around. "Now. If you want the bedroom or bathroom a different color, we'll let you pick out whatever color you think it should and change it however many times you want." Drew said. The door where my closet was, was gone, replaced by a wall. The paint was changed, probably because they couldn't find the right color. The bed was moved to the closest wall to the door. Two closet doors sat opposite of the bed.

My dresser was between the doors. One closed the bedroom door. The handle on the other side of the door along with the color was different than the other side. The doorframe was a different color too. I then noticed all of the doors within the room were different, new. They were just like the inside of the bedroom door. How did I not notice this? I slowly went to the closet doors. Both had a sign that said his or hers. I opened the one saying hers seeing all of my clothes lining the walls all the way to the back where there were custom shelves lined with my boots.

My jeans were hung up on the bottom rail and my shirts on top. I went to step out when Jasper stopped me. "Watch this." He said pushing the button below the light switch. The racks rotated for easy access. All of my dresses long and short didn't move. "Our closet does the same so when your hanging our clothes up you don't have to have a step stool or jump to reach." He said. I hugged him. He picked me up. "Not done yet." Drew said.

Jasper set me down letting me walk to Drew. He was standing in the way of the bathroom. He backed up letting me in. Off where my closet use to be was a huge tub. A half wall was up blocking part of the tub from the door. I continued walking into that area seeing how big the tub was. All of my stuff was right there next to it. Towels too. A towel bar on the wall already had one towel on it. The half wall was tall enough to hide certain things on me.

I then spotted the shower. I went over to it opening the door stepping in. Multiple shower heads lined the walls and above. "There's a nob for every head." Drew said. I looked back at him. "And more than one can shower at once. At different temperatures." Jasper said. "There's also a door on the other side to the toilet." Drew said. I then stepped out to hug them. Drew picked me up holding me to him.

I was nearly choking him. Multiple late nights from them after a long day at work and early mornings when they didn't have to work. A lifetime with this bathroom. Jasper snaked his arms around my waist holding my back to his chest. I couldn't help but tear up. They both held me tighter. Two sets of lips touched my skin. "Your our girl. There's no way we're letting you go." Drew said. "Would you like to use the tub or shower?" Jasper asked. I turned my head to face him.

I nodded. He gave a small smile. "Which one?" He asked. Drew pulled away from him going to the tub. He sat me on the side starting the water. He plugged it letting it fill with some salts and bubble bath. He then picked me up having me stand. Another set of hands grazed my skin. They both undressed me. Then started by kissing my neck. I was picked up by Jasper who was at my front. I felt something cool on my butt. "Thinking bout it?" Jasper asked. I nodded.

I felt two fingers there before pleasure. Two hands were felt on the front of my thighs before Jasper's on the back. Next thing had me over the edge. I arched my back as Drew went deeper. He pulled out letting Jasper. What really hurt was them both sitting inside. I could tell they were sharing a look before one pulled out. Then the other. I was sat into the tub before they both undressed. Jasper and Drew both pulled the sleeve off getting in.

Andrew was right behind me pulling me to him. I could feel him still hard. Jasper sat in front of me. "Does this work better for you baby?" Drew asked. "Yeah." I answered. "Looks like all three of us fit in the tub." Jasper said. I got up on my knees and went over to Jasper. Deep enough for this. I got between his legs knowing he was in a similar situation as Andrew. I gripped him running my hand along him.

He groaned letting his head go back. "Your playing a dangerous game cupcake." Jasper said. "What is she doing?" Drew asked. Jasper shot a look at me. "Apparently wanting to be pregnant if she's not careful." He answered. He was almost there when I was pulled from him to Andrew. "My turn. I heard bout your little teasing game. Now it's my turn to see how dangerous you can be." He said before spinning me to face him.

He kissed me as Jasper blocked me in. My hands found a tangled mess of hair under the water. He growled. I knew I found the right place. His head went back as he hardened. He picked his head up. I knew I was treading on thin ice with the look in his eyes. He sat up on the side of the tub curling a finger at me as he cupped himself. I moved closer. He lifted my head up to meet his. He kissed me letting his self go. I could feel him against my neck.

I gripped him tightly. His growl was evidence he was liking this. He pulled away looking at me in the eyes. He stuck his thumb near my mouth. I put my mouth on his thumb. The look on his face was satisfaction. He swapped it for something else. "Suck." Jasper's hands found my area. I did as he said. A hand on the back of my head had me going farther on him. A groan from behind me said that Jasper approved of this. His fingers grazed the inside.

The longer I stalled the more Drew was wanting to release. He got tired of waiting and gripped the back of my scalp. He was careful at thrusting nearly all the way in. Then pulled out. Once more and he spilled. He sighed and pulled out. Then got back into the tub kissing me. Jasper pulled me back just enough to kiss me. "Mm. Like I've said before, I honestly don't care what your lips taste like as long as they're yours and no one else's." Jasper said. Andrew growled with approval.

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