Chapter Six: Plans

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"Will you go to Dinner with me?"


Skylar stared at the man shocked. "Dinner?" She asked, raising her eyebrow. "Yes, dinner. There a place called La Folie in San Fransisco, I'd like to take you there. Courtesy of me. And yes, I'd consider it a date." He explained to her, leaving her shockes again, but this time more. A date? They had just met. She didn't even know anything about him. Her heart grew beating faster yet again, and her palms grew sweaty.

"Come on. Ill tell you anything you want to know about me. Just one date? If you hate it then ill leave you alone for good." Jordan spits in. After what felt like forever, but in reality was only 5 minutes, she nods. "One date, if I dont like it, then you'll leave me alone as said." She comments, smiling. The man let out a breath of relief as if he has been holding it in.

Skylar goes to get up when there coffee's and muffins were called out, but Jordan sat her back down, getting them himself. Ahe smiled wider now, her tense body relaxing and melting. He really was a nice guy, and she was going to give him a chance regardless of her fathers forbidden rules back in Colorado. If her parents found out. she could be banned from seeing them again.

To say it scared her was an understatement, but to say it excited her in a way, would have been an understatement as well. She was full blown excited off the bat at her new tryouts. Soon, when hearing Jordan's voice through her thoughts, Skylar was sucked back into the present time and blushed again. "Sorry." She said. "Yes?" "Oh nothing. I was trying to tell you to eat, so it wouldn't get cold." He said. "Plus, why tou were lost in wonderland, your stomach growled." he laughed softly once telling her this.

She chose to laugh it off also, rather than get embarrassed by it. Jordan had a stubble of black hair on his face where his jawline; chin, upper neck, above his top and below his bottom lip, and where he would have sideburns. His skin was a medium tone as well, just like Skylar's almost. His hair was a medium short length, in a messy bed head style. His eyes seemed to sparkle and his shoulders broad. He could have been a male model if asked. Not to mention the male was way taller than the 5'2" female. He had to be at least 6'4" if not taller.

Skylar was lost in taking in his handsome features when she kicked herself mentally and then began to look away as are away at her muffin now, indeed having been hungry. After finishing, she took the first sip of her still hot hot chocolate and moaned as it drizzled and slipped down her throat with a comforting warmth. Jordan had looked at her sharply when the moan left her mouth, and then it was his turn to blush for once.

Skylar giggled, then covered her mouth as if she had said something rude out of the blue. (Out of the blue=Random/Suddenly) Jordan quickly moved her hand away from her own mouth, and smiled wide. "Dont. Ever. Hide. That. Giggle. Again." He said, well more of demanded suddenly. Skylar quickly nods and lets her hand fall to the table. With the way Jordan smirks as she listens to him quickly, she can tell shes suddenly sparked something in him, whether it be good or bad. For once in a long time though, this didnt make her uneasy.

Skylar found herself suddenly wanting to know more and more about this new and only male in her life. She even found herself leaning in a little bit. Not to kiss him, but to some what get closer to him. All these years shw thought it be awkward and hard to finally speak to a male, but it had come so easy to her with this Jordan person. Once they were both finished eating, Jordan and Skylar walk back to his car.

He helps her in by opening her door for her. The whole way home was silent except for Skylar's voice booming out directions to her home. She lived about 25 minutes away from Jordan, and 15 from Starbucks. As they pulled up, she didn't get out right away. "So, for this dinner with you, what should I wear?" She asked finally. "Casual dressy clothes. If you like dresses, then one of those. But not like clubbing or party dresses. One you would wear if attending your parents anniversary party or something. Ah. I'm bad at this."

He finished off with, and she laid her hand over his hand and shook her head. "I get what you mean.' she moves her hand away now. 'And what time should i be ready?" The female asks now. "ill be here by 6:45 pm. Ill make the reservations and everything beforehand." Skyalr was choked up at reservations. How fancy was this restaurant? 'Must be Italian or French.' She thought.

She nods before she goes to get out of the nice car, but he stops her, getting out and opening the door for her. She smiles and thanks him, before walking up to her big house door, and unlocking it. She walks in, but turns around and waits for the car to leave before closing the door. She suddenly squealed like a high school girl. Her first date!!!!

Running upstairs, she grabs her phone. Dailing up Samantha, she explains what happened with Ethan. Samantha had apologized, saying her brother did that to most girls and got laid, and that's why he probably did it. She also said she'd kick his ass. However, Skylar found herself talking about Jordan, and their plans tonight with dinner. Samantha had squeal and clapped through the phone. "Do it girl!!! Oh oh! Is he hot!?" The phone boomed with the female voice.

Skylar laughed and nodded. "Yes, he is fine to be honest. A real eye catcher." She admits, making Samantha squeal again. After the hour long talk, Sky sits on her bed, chewing on her lip. She needed to find her a good dress. Not to mention, also fix her wild hair and brush her teeth. She also wanted to play around with the makeup and find a soft look for the date. Slowly, she heads to her closet, exited for what was to come.

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