Chapter Seven: Trying New Things.

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Skylar had been looking through the dresses Sam had gotten her when she thought she had found the one. It was a dark wine red, having been called a wine red pixie dress. She slowly goes to her bathroom, and sets up her waxing machine. Waxing her legs and under arms so not even a single hair showed, she applied lotion after rinsing her legs. She smirked at her naked body in the mirror, for once leaving her past behind and not thinking about it.

She found herself trying to impress this male even though she didn't know him too well. Slowly spilling on the dress, it had a beautiful eligant but sexy look with her skin tone. The straps were spaghetti straps cascading over here shoulders to connect to the back side. It had a v neck, and showed off a bit of cleavage, if not a bit more than little bit really. It went all the way down to right above her ankles, the left side having a small gap so her silky shiny leg would show through.

She then put on some red lace stilettos and smiled. Slowly pulling out the tons of makeup, Skylar plays with it, trying different soft shades.She slowly applys some white and pink mixed, making it a soft and almost skin tone peach. Having already done a winged eye with eyeliner before, she settles with that, and a swipe/line of some shiny silver eyeliner went right in her crease. She looked amazing if she was being honest, but she still wasn't done yet. she brushed through her straightened hair, and decided to leave it that way with a few touch ups from the straightener/ flat iron.

Slowly letting out a breath as finally 6:20 hit the clock, her heart had began to pound again with the same excitement as before. She added a small black thin leather collar like choker necklace that had a small pearl looking piece hanging from it. It was classy but edgy too. Finally she finished off with putting on some red matte lipstick, smear prrof too. Skylar slowly smile, and began to go through her home cutting off the lights as necessary before walking to her door after grabbing her purse and a small thin black sweater just in case.

As if knowing she'd walk out the door at the time, she could see the black Altima pull up at her house. She started to walk out to the car when Jordan got out, in a tux. He froze as he saw the grown woman before him, his mouth involuntarily drops a bit, as if to drool like a dog. He shakes he's head, quickly coming back and walking up to her."W-Wow. You look.. Amazing. Beautiful, damn there are no words right now to describe you." Jordan had finished saying.

Skylar smiled wide, and then fixed the males bow tie a bit, making him chuckle. "Thank you sir. You look very handsome tonight yourself." She adds, and he blushes now. The man really looked handsome, practically mouth watering, but she hid this from him. He grabbed her hand, and helped walk her to his car. Being a gentleman as always, he opena the door and holds up the bottoms of her dress for her. As her leg finally poked out and he noticed it, his eyes had changed for a minute, causing the same old excitement to reappear for Skylar.

As he closed the car door and jogged to his side, she took in the smell of his cologne. She had never smelt it before, but it smelt good, really good. She smiled as he got in, put on his seatbelt, and then began to drive. "Again, you look amazing." He finally says about 5 minutes into the quiet drive. Skylar just smiled wide this time, for the first time, showing of her pearly white and straight teeth, thanks to braces when younger, and brushing.

The ride was peaceful, her hand accidentally almost grabbing his hand as it rested on the middle console where his did. She quickly moved it, not wanting to be a silly girl with a crush about all this. As they arrived to La Folie, the same car routine was inquired. Once both out the car, he took her hand again as soon as they were in, a lot of people here. She blushed, but held it back this time, noticing out the corner of her eye as Jordan looked down at their hands when she did, before up at her and away with a soft smile.

As the line disappears and they get to the hostess, Jordan says his name, and she smiles at him. "Ah. A dinner for two. Right this way. Its a good choice you two decided to call and reserve, today is one of our busiest days. I hope you bother enjoy your meal here." The hostess had said before just walking off.

Almost instantly a waiter shows up, and Jordan is letting her pick first. She had never been here before, so it took her a bit to make her choice, then Jordan his, and finally some red wine. As they waited Jordan instantly turns to her. "So, where do you want me to start?" He asks Skylar. Her mind had never been that immature and perverted, but when he asked this, she found her mind running in places they shouldnt have.

"Huh, I mean what?" She finally chokes out softly, her cheeks turning red like a rose. Jordan just grinned. "I mean about me. I said I'd tell you anything you wanted earlier. Remember?" He said, but it was as if he was now dragging his words out a bit slower. Showing up with the red wine, she waited til the waiter poured them both a cup full and left before she nodded. Her fingers traced the top circle rim of her cup.

"Well, I know your name. So, how about an age? And what you do for a living?" She half asks, half explains. Jordan nods and sits back in his chair. "Well, I'm 30 years old. I work as a chef in a resturant down town, not to far from here really. Fancy resturant though, took me years to become the top che-." "Top chef!?" Skylar found herself blurting out. Jordan laughs and nods. "Yes, top chef, main chef, king chef, whatever you may call it. The place is fancy, really fancy so i get paid good actually. When I'm not at work, I sometimes travel."

Skylar found herself getting pulled deeper and deeper into Jordan's words, and his life really. When it came her turn to explain, she told him almost everything. About her father, his rules, how her mother use to tell her to grow up and be her own person, regardless her fathers rules. How she had just moved, and gotten her job. Everything really.

Two hours had passed when they both finished, and Skylar felt at ease, more at ease than with Samantha surprisingly. She smiled as they left the restaurant, again holding hands and getting in the car. The sun had long time set now, and she yawns softly. "Tired?" "Well, drowsy yes, but i promise i had fun." she quickly explains so he wouldn't think she hated this all.

As she said this however, this made Jordan smile huge, his time to show off his pearly white colored teeth. "Fun, eh?" He asked, Skylar nodding. "Yes, fun. Why?" She asks, a bit concerned. "Well, if you had fun. Then that's means I don't have to let you run away and leave. That means that I can invite you out more. For more dates, correct?"

Skylar suddenly laughed at his question, but nodded. "I suppose you are right actually." she comments as she leads over and motioned to his shoulder. "Do you mind?" She asks, and the male seemed like he gladly shook his head. "Go ahead Sky." He answers, and she lays her head on his shoulder. "Now, back to where we were, does that mean I can take you on more in the future?" He asked, as if he too, was growing very fond of her.

Feeling playful, she grins and then just replies with a "Mmm. We will see. Can I have your number?" The male smiled faintly this time, then wider as she asks for his number. "Well that's my line about the number, but yes you can. As long as you say you'll go on another date with me, on both of our next days off. Deal?" Skylar laughed hard this time, and closed her eyes as she got comfortable on his shoulder.


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