Chapter Five: New Feelings.

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Something had a grip tightly around Skylar's chest. She groaned, until her eyes went wide when she realized it was a person. Suddenly she remembered everything from last night and this morning. She knew she needed to get him off her, but how? And the bigger problem was the fact that she was actually pretty comfortable like this, never having been hugged up when she was asleep before.

With that, she slowly laid there a bit longer, letting the male hug her up. After what felt like 20 minutes had passed, almost nodding off into sleep again, she slowly starts to say his name. "Jordan.... Jordan! Jordan!!!" And finally the male jumped up. After a few seconds, he realized what he had been doing and his body was ripped from hers in an instant. This made her laugh.

Skylar slowly sat up in the comfortable bed, and yawning before she stretched out her back and arm muscles. Skylar groaned as some of her bones popped and it felt good. Her pounding headache was gone, and she felt relieved by that. Looking over at Jordan, he was sitting over the edge of the bed, head in his hands. "Hey, its okay. You were asleep, you didn't know." She tried reasoning, but only got a nod in response. "Well.. Thats my cue to leave." She whispered, feeling much out of place and silly.

The male just chuckled and then rubbed his face before standing up. Somehow his shirt had been removed during his sleep, and he had a rock hard looking 8 pack on view right now. Skylar couldn't help but get lost in the curves and edges of the males torso area, and found herself jolting her eyes away with a deep blush. "Its okay. I need to give you a ride. Youre welcome to change first. The clothes aren't here yet, so I'll just give you some of my boxers as shorts for now. I also went a bought you a pair of shoes last night."

Skylar was lost in words. He had bought her shoes? Who was this man? And how come she was growing so fond of him so quickly? She began to chew her lip, thinking hard. "Ill take the boxers, and the shoes. When I get home ill pay you bac-" "not necessary. its my pleasure to help you, think of it as a gift from a new friend if you must." He suddenly cut her off to explain. Skylar felt it was wrong not to pay him back, but again just nodded.

"Also food, you need breakfast.." He trailed off as if in sudden deep thought. Jordan walked off, going into what was either his bathroom, or his closet. After a few moments of silence, he came back with black boxers and some black and red vans shoes. Skylar hadnt heard of a shoe brand called "Vans off the Wall" before, but regardless she took them. Slowly waiting for the man to turn around, she slipped on the boxers, rolling them up a few times as she was much smaller than him. Then, she slipped the shoes on, tying them carefully as they were new and fresh lace's.

She then cleared her throat, and offered a small smile as he turned back around. "Thank you for the shoes. And ill return the boxers back as soon as possible, promise." she responds. "Ah, keep em. I have plenty more." Skylar was so confused at this point. The man was friendly, and she was fine with that, being as there arent that many friendly people willing to help you by taking you to their house, bathing you, and then buying you things you needed all because you got drunk and hurt.

Skylar sat on his bed as he was getting ready and showering quickly. When he came back out, dressed in a black tee shirt with blue jeans and some black shoes, she felt her insides turn. It wasn't a bad thing, just a new feeling she hasn't felt before, making her confused even more. Almost as if the feeling when Ethan had kissed her neck last night. One that excited her body, but this man wasnt even touching her.

Slowly they gathered there things, and were headed to her home. She had been giving him directions the whole time, but suddenly he was cutting off and going somewhere else. Sky's heart began to beat hard and fast like a loud drummer playing in a band. Was this where he killed her? Shw knew she shouldnt have agreed. However, her mind was swept of those thoughts when he pulled into the Starbucks she worked at.

"Breakfast first." Jordan said as he spoke first. This made Sky smile and nod. "Wait...' she quickly then cut off, frowning her plump silky lips. 'I dont have my wallet." She finished. Jordan just laughed and shook his head. "You arent paying silly, I am. And no refusing!" He said, then got out the car before words could even leave Skylar's mouth.

Having no choice but to agree, or to not eat, she got out the nice Nissan Altima sleek black car. Following Jordan into the store, she blushed as she got looks from her co-workers, ones of shock. Walking up to the register was odd for Skylar, having been that she was normally behind it. She was off today anyway, and to some surprise, that was a huge reliever.

"Ill take a black coffee, large sized, and one blueberry muffin. And she will have..." and he cut off to let Skylar order. "One blueberry muffin, and a Salted Caramel hot chocolate please. Medium sized." For some reason, she could see Jordan smiling. Why was he smiling like that? Slowly, Jordan found a table for two, and sat down as they waited. A question was bothering her, but she felt uneasy to ask it though. As if her lips had other plans, she suddenly found herself asking anyway.

"Why are you being so nice? You dont even know me." She spluttered out. Jordan just looked at her, before smiling again. "Because, I had a little sister, and when she looks the way you looked last night when i found you walking, I know she's hurt. You're a beautiful woman ma'am, and I hate seeing beautiful women cry." he answered. He seemed as if he was telling the truth, and as he had called her beautiful, Skylar stole a glance down as she blushed.

Her eyes resumed back on his, and then his next question had her puzzled, and mainly shocked.

"Will you go to dinner with me?"

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