word vomit.

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words come out like when a volcano comes to life, spewing fire and magma like vomit onto the world, destructive vomit, sick dread and death like that acidic burn in the back of your throat. words blur together like a drunk man's thought process, all pulsing light and fractures of memories split into incohesive syllables of attempted sentence structures. words are commas like gasps of breath, conjunctions dissolving into meaningless repetition, and redundancy, and deja vu, and deja vu. words are coming out too fast like a broken dam, like there was duct tape over my lips once to keep me from spilling my own secrets and i ripped the tape off to tell you that sometimes words are like swinging a metal baseball bat blindly at someone's knees. and by that i mean words are so volatile they become visceral and I tear through verbs with more action than they can procure and i am running out of synonyms to say that words are dripping from my mouth like poison, like blood, like---------

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