Chapter seven

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Gray is the royal delivery boy for the king and queen. It's been another two years so gray is now 18 years old.
He talks to the princess only when she's with the king or queen. It's not the friendship they have had before, it's like they have become acquaintances again and no going further then that.
Gray has a romantic relationship with the girl ultear who brought the cow but juvia is still living the single life although, she knows she will have to marry one day to become the queen of fiore.
Grays pov 18 years old

I wake up early in the morning and my dad helps me harvest the given fruits and veg and the king and queen have asked for, also they have ordered three ball gowns since there is going to be a ball next Sunday but I won't attend, they begged but I don't want to, I'm not a ball kind of guy.

Mom and dad were sorti g out a crate to tie onto spice so I could travel to the palace. It is still dark out but by the time i get there, it will be daylight. 'be safe gray' my mother said and i chuckled waving her goodbye. its a very long journey like very long. 

'bye mom' i said and i sorted out the reins on spice and clicked to let the horse know to move. 'come on spice' i whispered and he started to move forward. 'bye!' i waved and we carried on with the journey.  


the hours went by and the sun started to come out. im on a sandy road which lead up to a path and over ahead i could see the palace. 'thirsty boy?' i asked and the horse neighed which made me chuckle. 'don't worry, nearly there, then you can have a drink' i said and we carried on going towards the castle. 


'state your name' a soldier harshly spoke. 

'Gray Fullbuster, i have a delivery for the king and queen' i said and the soldier grunted and opened the palace doors. i loosened the crate and wheeled it into the palace. id love to live here, i think everyone would, damn. 

'ahh, gray my boy' the king said and i bowed down. 'i see you have the delivery for this week. thank you son. you must be very strong to push this around' he joked and i just chuckled. 

'most people say that i guess' i replied and the king smiled. 'your highness, where should i put the delivery' 

'no need to strain yourself anymore gray, one of my men will do it' he explained and i nodded away and noticed a girl the age of sixteen come through a large pair of double doors. 'Juvia you remmeber gray from the market you forced me to take you too' the king said and juvia just nodded. 

'i do, its lovely to meet you again gray' she curtseyed and i have to by law kiss her hand and she gave me a smile. 

'and to you princess' i said and she smiled. 

'father, i'm going out into the gardens to ride on rain, just so you wont worry' she said. shes so much more different than i remmeber. we have to pretened that we dont know each other everytime i deliver, its quite sad really, i miss my best friend, she's so beautiful now, i hate how we have to grow up not becoming best friends anymore. 

'okay darling' the king said and she stared at me with those big blue eyes that reminded me of the most powerful waves in the tropical seas, i feel like drowing in them all the time. 

'goodbye gray, i shall see you next sunday possibly' i wish that possibly was a hopefully, what am i thinking she makes me overthink things. i watched her walk away and the king chuckled. 

'well gray, i shall see you next sunday, have a safe trip and thank you for the delivery' the king gave me a bag of jewels and i bowed again. 

'thank you your highness, have a lovely week' i said and left the palace. i untied spice who was oppoiste a hedge which showed the gardens and i noticed juvia galloping on the most beautiful white horse. i jumped on to sit on spice's saddle and gave juvia one last look and then galloped back home which took over three hours. 


i made it back home and tied spice in the barn. 'hi dad' i said and gave him the bag of jewels. we looked in to see how much is in there he sighed which meant he was annoyed. 'i know its not alot but its more than last week. 

'gray we have enough to afford a loaf of bread' 

'i'll work harder, i do more sales on the market, i promise' i said and he just gave me a smile and shook my hair. 

'yeah i know' he said and then i heard a ring of a bell my dad knew who it was and i quickly ran out the gate. 'yep go to your love life' he joked and i just ran to see my girlfriend happily getting off the bike. i run up to her and pick her up, spinning her around and  giving her a kiss. 

'i missed you so much gray' 

'i missed you more' i said kissing her again. we then walked into the house and just spoke to each other. 'do you want to go somewhere?' i asked and ultear nodded with a large smile. i got spice ready and helped ultear on him and then i jumped on and galloped around the stretched green land. 

me and ultear laid down watching the clouds in the painted blue sky and i was wondering something dangerous yet exiting. 'oh i could watch the clouds with you all day' she said and i picked up a bit of wheat to put in my mouth and i turned my head to see my girlfriend and she gave me a smile. 



'if i asked your father for my blessing to marry you, would you say yes?' i asked and ultear just looked at me shocked and then she quickly sat up. 

'do you have a ring?' 

'i dont have a ring, but if i saved up, i could afford one, one day' 

'oh gray i would love to marry you but you have to have the talk with my father' she said getting up and i just groaned. i know i have to talk to him but he is bloody terrifying. 'next sunday, im sure he'll say yes, oh im so exited' 

'what if he doesn't?' 

'then we elope' she said all bashful and i pulled her closer to me so i could put a flower in her hair. 'i love you gray and want to be with you forever' 

'i love you too'  i said kissing ultear again. i rode her back home and then i went back home all happy. lets hope this will work. 

Juvias pov 

i sing a lullaby looking out my window and i get called to see my parents. i walk down to the throne room and see them happily sitting together. 'juvia darling you are aware that you have two more years until you are 18' my father said and i nodded. 


'when you are 18, the only way you can be queen is to marry either another royal blood, we found one your age, his name is lyon, he is a prince from up north. he is lovely and very respectful, and cant wait to meet you next sunday' 

'next sunday?' 

'yes darling, you two need these two years to get to know each other before you get married' my mother said and i just wanted to cry but i knew that it would be good for my counrty. 

'okay' i smiled and my parents came off their thrones to hug me. 

'thats why we are ordering so many gowns, because there are so many balls to attend too and for us to prepare and its just all very exiting' she added and i just giggled. 'but we will make sure that you are happy, he really is a sweet boy Juvia' she explained and i just nodded. 

'i cant wait to meet him mother' i replied and went back to my room. 

what if he seems nice but behind closed doors, he's horrible? or what if i like him and he doesnt like me or what if its the other way around? 

im so scared for this. 


hey guys, its been a while. 

i hope you liked this chapter, and i know you lot are angry...i think. 

dont worry, i wont destroy the ships....maybe. 

anyway cant wait to write the other chapter. 

love you guys. 


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