Chapter 19

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it's been a few days since Gray took the queen home. he let her have his bedroom as he wanted her to have a proper rest and to get better. luckily the fairy tail pub's nurse kept her well and sane. 

Gray takes his daughter to classes and works on the market worrying about the queen that lays on his bed, Natsu asks if he knows what to do and Gray is completely blank. 

lucy and Natsu visit later that evening and helps gray with what to do. Gray visits Juvia in the bedroom and is happy she is well again but doesn't know what to do about this baby. 


Gray's pov - 26 years old 

it's been a few days since I took Juvia back home. Due to her being sick, I had to have her in a room that is warm enough for her to get better. i can't believe Lyon just dumped her in a room with no care to her whats so ever. she was extremely weak and Poliusika (forgot how to spell her name) said if she didn't leave the palace sooner, she would have died along with Lucas too. he recovered fine, he shares a room with Crystal and they are very good friends which is a good thing but because Juvia really is pregnant, it will take a longer time for her to get better due to the baby being infected aswell. 

i sit by the fireplace and look at Ultears urn and shake my head. "I know what your thinking my love" i said and just felt guilty. i mean she did want me to fall in love again but it just feels so soon with all my feelings. and I know she meant not the queen. "what do I do in a situation like this?" I cried to myself talking to the urn and I just wanted to feel her presence again. 

"look after her Gray, that's all you can do. I'm not angry with you. she loves you and I know you love her, you always have, ever since you were younger. take care of her, and make her strong, and your future child" it was like I could hear her voice. i do belive in spirits but I feel like I'm just going crazy. 

i cut up some thin slices of bread for the children and let them eat their food with a glass of fresh cows milk and made sure that they had full stomachs. lucas looked around the cottage confused to why it was so different to the palace. "why is your house so small?" he asked and it made me chuckle. 

"it's small because, I don't have as much money as your mother and father. so instead I built a farm so I could make nice foods to sell and sell clothes and other stuff to earn money for the cottage" i said and Lucas gave me a smile. 

"mother lived on a farm" he said and i just smiled happy he knows who his mother really was in the past. "daddy says she isn't a real queen because she lived in dirt" that's when my smile faded away. i can't believe he would poison his son like this, he diesn't care about anything but power. 

"how does that make you feel?" i asked wanting to know who he understands more as i sat down he looked at me and smiled an innocent smile and i just waited for his response. 

"i think living on a farm would be fun. it's better than being in the castle forever " he said and i just sighed with relief. "i wish i was normal" to think a four year old is saying that is shocking but then he is well educated. i just nodded along and smiled. 

"tomorrow, maybe you can help prepare for the market" i said and his eyes lit up with pure excitement. 

i let the children finish eating their food and i went upstairs to check on Juvia. as i walked in she was sleeping and smiling in her sleep for once. i sat next to her and due to her being extremely thin, i could see her small baby bump from under the covers and it made me smile. i went to sit beside her on the edgy of the bed and stroked her dry blue hair and a small tear fell from my eye as it gave me flashbacks of Ultear laying in the same spot slowly dying but was still showing her happiness. "you look a lot better" i whispered and she let out a weak giggle and it made me smile. as she opened her big blue eyes. 

"i feel a lot better" she said and i helped her sit up for a few minutes. "wheres Lucas?" she asked and i just pointed down the stairs which is right opposite my bedroom door and she gave a relieved smile. "I'm so glad  i found you" she added and i just smiled again. 

"I'm glad you did aswell" no matter how happy i was, i was so much more scared because i was scared of what lyon is going through right now. i don't want to worry about that at the moment. i let Juvia rest by giving her a gentle kiss and went to spend time with the children. 

it wasn't long before Lucy and Natsu were knocking on the door. i asked them to come over because i was terrified of what to do with Juvia. ive never been this scared before because i know that if Lyon finds out or if he is planning something, he's going to come for me knowing that i love Juvia anyway. the kids went to play in Crystals room ao that we could talk about what to do. "my suggestion Gray is to run away" Natsu said and me and Lucy just stared at him in shock and confusion. "what?" 

"Natsu, he can't just run away with the queen and the future king of Fiore. he'd die and knowing his and Juvias relationship, if Lyon finds out that Juvia is pregnant with Grays child, he will kill her" Lucy said and i just let my hands hold my head as to this is all my fault. "seriously Gray how dumb can you be?" 

"yeah i know it was stupid, i am dumb, but she was hurting, and i was helping her. he was killing her. you don't understand what it's like seeing the love of your life being attacjed and not being able to do anything about it. it just happened, i looked at her and the kiss just happened. i parted away knowing it was wrong but she wanted it just as much as i did and it ju-"

"just happened" they both copied me and i just stood up and wondered around the house freaking out not knwing what to do. it wasn't long before Natsu took me into the dining room so that i could calm down. 

"im such an idiot" i cried, i never cry infront  of him just because i know he'd take the piss and i just kept panicking. that was until he put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me seriously. 

"yeah, your an idiot believe me, you shouldn't have slept with her but i said that about Lucy, we wasn't destined for each other, she was a rich girl too, not rich like Juvia but she was wealthy and she fell in love with a poor boy, her father was on her way to kill me, he had his shotgun ready because you know what it's like with status. but Lucy beat him to it and you know what we did?" 

"prove to him love exixsts" 

"god i wish" he laughed and i just chuckled after knowing what he was going to say. "we ran Gray, we ran as fast as far as we could, we went circles around him, we ran back to the manor she lived at and took her horse and we ran far. he is still looking for us, i see him in the market sometimes but i never back down im ready for when he notices me. but Gray, the reason why i said run away is because it's safer" he explained and i just sat down on one of the creaky wooden chairs and took a deep breath. 

"pretened shes dead or something" 

"i mean if you think it will stop Lyon's searches" Natsu said and i just looked up. "well i need to take my family home, it's late but seriously Gray, think about it" he gave me a manly hug and walked his family out the door. 

i walked upstairs and tucked the kids in so that they would fall asleep and i went to my room to see Juvia sitting up looking more like shes in colour. "i was wondering when you'd come up to say goodnight" she said and gave me a smile and i smiled back. i walked towards my side of the bed and laid down not pulling the covers over me. "what's wrong?" she said and my smile faded. 

"Juvia, i don't know what we are going to do about this baby" i said and she looked down at her tiny bump and slowly nodded. "Lyon is going to be searching the entire kingdom for you and i get caught, im as good as dead, and with what he has done to you in the past and if he finds out that your pregnant, with my child, im scared he'll kill you too" 

"so what do we do?" 

"i'm going to have to take you back" i cried and she started crying shaking her head not wanting to go. "but Listen to me, it will be temporary. because i will come back, i promise, i will come back, an he is going to be behind bars, and me, you, Crystal and Lucas will live somewhere far away and have our own farm, and raise this baby away from all the pain and fears, we'll become a family i promise Juvia, you are the love of my life and you have to trust me on what i am going to do" 

she cried for a few moments and i just cuddled her wrapping my arm around her small bump as i started to cry again. "i trust you" she whispered and we just fell asleep sadly. 

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