Chapter 18

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It's late at night just before Gray is about to take his daughter home, juvia hets up from her bed and stumbles towards the door of her room overhearing the echos of the people in the palace. Since her and Lyons chambers are near enough to the room she could hear an affair with her king and the babysitter.
Weakly, she gets her sleeping son and sneaks out of the palace and headed to try and find gray.
Everyone in the fairytail pub stood in shock. Juvia rushes over to Gray weak and frail.
As she puts her son down she falls in grays arms of faint and exhaustion

Juvias pov - 24 years old 

As I breathe deeply in pain my stomach started cramping and hurting again which scared me because I think there is something wrong with my baby. Mine and grays baby. Laying in this dark room is scary because I'm cold and shivering Lyon hasn't checked in on me once and I just want my son my son doesn't even know how I am.

I gaze my eyes to the bottom of the door where a bright lines light is reflecting underneath which is the second floor of the palace halls as the staff haven't gone to bed yet. as I waited, the halls went dark. i rolled off the hard cold bed and crashed on my side making me gasp weakly for air. i crawled to the door and hoisted myself up struggling to stand by gripping my left hand on the door knob. 

silently i opened the door and the palace was completely pitch black. slowly, quietly i walked to a maids room which was emty due to them still cleaning in the kitchens and dining rooms, I went in to grab some clothes to make myself look like the lower class. i then snuck into my sons room where he was peacefully asleep and I softly shook him awake. i took my hood down so that he wouldn't be scared of my presence and my son gave me the biggest smile. he clasped his arms around me and a small tear fell down my eye as I hadn't seen him for a while. 

"is mama better now?" he asked and I chuckled wiping his small tears and nodded in response which was a lie. i wasn't better but I would get worse if lyon found out I was with child and would kill me and poison lucas's mind and I wouldn't want that. the best way is to run away from everything from this past. 

"come on baby boy, we are going on a holiday" 

"is daddy coming?" 

"no daddy is busy. he's has to help the nanny" i replied and Lucas just stared at me with his extremely large icicle look eyes and all I did was give him a smile. "come on" i said picking him up and wrapping a raggy cloak around him which i told him that it would keep him warm in the night.  

we snuck downstairs and waited for the kitchen lights to turn off and once they did i picked up my child and speeded out the back which leads you right to the royal barn and as i dressed my horse i made sure that lucas was holding on tight to the reins until i got up. i struggled due to how weak i was and eventually i got up. and we headed out of the palace grounds on our way to find gray. 

as the hours past i could hear lucas sneeze and feel his small body shiver as he curled up close leaning his back onto mine. i let my horse stop for a break and i took off my cloak and wrapped it around him. i could tell lucas was turning pale so i wanted to get to gray as quick as i could. it didn't help how i could hear thunder rumbling in the sky and my poor baby was getting scared. 

"shh, mummy has you, nothing bad will get you" i promised and he closed his tired yet scared eyes and i bent down to kiss him gently on the head. 

eventually, we made it to a small town. my skin felt like ice, i checked lucas's temreture but he was freezing. i tied my horse around a pole and saw a familiar looking horse tied up with a crate of stock. "gray" i whispered and heard extremely loud cheering and laghter from a place called fairytail pub. i coughed weakly but was able to pick my son up. i walked in and put my hood down making everyone stop and go silent. 

"it's the queen" people whispered and i coughed letting my son stand and i weakly walked forward as i saw gray holding his daughter, he looked like he was about to leave. i gave him a weak smile and he just looked at me confused. 

"juvia?" he said and that's all i could remember since my vision blacked out. 

Gray's pov - 26 years old 

i caught Juvia just in time before she fell and she looked extremely ill. Lucy ran to her son and made sure he was warm and safe where as i picked juvia up whilst natsu looked after Crystle with lucy and Lucas. i looked at Juvias pale body slowly turning blue and walked her over to the fireplace so that she'd warm up. 

we waited for an hour for juvia to awake and she was weak and frail. "gray" she murdered as she opened her eyes slowly. i gave her a smile and helped her sit up "lucas?" she panicked and calmed her down and showed her lucas and crystal playing with Lucy and Natsu and crystal which made her smileuntil she violently started coughing. 

"are you okay?" i asked and she shook her head crying. "what's wrong?" 

"I'm sick gray. I'm ill and lyon refused to send proper medical help. they were making me worse. i didn't want my son getting hurt. i had to leave, we had to leave because...." she pasued and i just looked at her with worry and confusion. 

"because what?" i asked and she cried even more holding her stomach and it made me realise suddenly. "juvia, are you pregnant?" i asked and she cried even more. 

"it's not his" she said and i was even more shocked and comepltly terrified to know the second part of that sentence. "it's yours gray"...

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