Jason’s POV:
I had the longest day at magcon today but it was honestly one of the greatest days of my life. I met a girl who was super pretty and from north carolina AND she had a friend hayes’s age. Like come on the universe is trying to tell me something here. The day was basically over and there were a few VIP’s wandering around including Quinn. I saw Shawn walking over to me so I went up to talk to him.
“Hey Shawn!”
“Hey Jason! I just met your cousin. She gave me her number so we can hang out while im here- if that’s ok with you…”
“Yeah! definitely i’m happy you like her so much. But uhh- isn’t that her over there getting kissed on the cheek by Taylor?”
Shawn stared and his expression turned blank and the veins in his neck flared up. I could tell he was trying to hide his anger but he didn’t do a very good job. He must seriously like Quinn because Shawn never gets mad… like ever.
“Yep! look at that! I met her 5 minutes ago and Taylor is already trying to steal her from me.”
“Yeah… so um i’m gonna go but if you need anything i’ll be here.”
I was so confused. Didn’t Shawn like just meet Quinn? How could he already have feelings for her? Well if I know Quinn I know that these “feelings” would creep her out. But whatever I think i’m gonna try and stay out of this situation. Besides, I had cat to focus on ;)
Nash’s POV:
Today was special. Even more so than usual, I felt like nothing could’ve gone better. I got to see Jason perform for the first time and I was honestly so proud. After everything he went through he still had the courage to go up there and perform. And boy did he nail it.
“Nash! come on we’re going back to the hotel!” Cam yelled to me.
I ran with cam to the vans that were gonna take us back to the hotel. When we got out I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text from Jason.
Hey! come meet me by the front door.
Ok! be right there
Maybe he would finally tell me why he was acting so weird around me. I look over at the hotel and saw him taking a selfie? Maybe he was trying to be nonchalant about taking a snapchat in public… it wasn’t working.
“Taking selfies Jay?” I asked him with a smirk.
He jumped obviously unaware I was there.
“Oh um what? No I was uhhh-- ok fine I was snapchatting this girl I met today.”
“Ooooooo whats her name?”
“Cat.. and she lives in north carolina and has a best friend named Maddie who’s Hayes’s age.”
“Sounds like you too are having fun” I laughed.
“Yeah.. so um I wanted to talk to you. I don’t think that I’ve been fully honest with you about the other night. I’m still mad. I don’t see how you could have thought that ditching me would be a good idea. You’re like a brother to me and I thought that you would never hurt me. I know that you were a little drunk but I’d think that I would still be somewhat important.”
He looked away obviously too upset to talk anymore.
“Jay… I can’t say sorry enough and it hurts that you think like that. The fact of the matter is that i’m young and I make dumb decisions. I shouldn’t have gotten drunk. I learned my lesson and if you forgive me I’ll never do that again.”
He looked up at me and smiled. Then he ran up and hugged me.
“I FORGIVE YOU NASHTY!” he yelled so loud that everyone in the hotel stared at us. I hugged him back and was happy we could finally be honest with each other again.
“Well how about we join our fellow magconers in the arcade. Bart rented it out for us only!”
“Now tell me about this Cat girl” I asked.
“Well she has brown hair and green eyes. And she lives in North Carolina like a town away from us. And she’s staying at this hotel so…..”
“Well you have to invite her down to the arcade.”
“Ok! Ill talk to Hayes and he can invite Maddie too.”
“Yeah and if cat has an older sister… you know where to find me” I winked at Jason who gave me a glare before running off to find Hayes. It was good to have him back. :)

Stuck (A Magcon Fanfic)
ФанфикJason is a 14 year old guy who is best friends with the Griers. He was asked to join the magcon family which causes a lot of nerves for him. Will he ever come out of his shell? His cousin Quinn (14) was a big fan of the guys and was overjoyed when...