Quinn’s POV:
I couldn’t wait to see Jason again. Ever since he moved to North Carolina we rarely got to see each other anymore. It was so cool that he was in Magcon! I have literally been obsessed since it started- they were soooo cute!
“Quinn! Jason, Nash and Hayes just pulled in the driveway!” my mom hollered from downstairs.
DID SHE JUST SAY NASH AND HAYES WERE WITH JASON?! I was not ready to see them looking like I did. “Give me a minute!” i yelled back. I raced upstairs to figure out what I was going to wear. After tearing my room apart to find the right outfit, I threw on some jean shorts and a coca-cola top. I whipped my hair up into a messy bun and was ready to go.
I went downstairs and the boys weren’t inside yet. I sat at the kitchen table trying to act normal. Naturally I took a couple selfies, until I heard a familiar voice.
“Quinn!!” Jason screamed as he ran over and hugged me.
“Hey!!” I screamed as calm as possible since I noticed me and nash made eye contact. His eyes were like an ocean staring right into my soul. The feels I was getting right here were so unhealthy.
“Hey Quinn! I’m Nash and this is my brother Hayes!” he said with a smile.
“I know who you are you silly goose!” Oh god did I seriously just say that. I think I heard my mom say that once which meant that it was NOT cool. But Hayes smiled and gave me a hug. I nearly suffocated on the amount of axe he was wearing but whatevs I just hugged Hayes Grier.
Jason’s POV:
“Well me and Quinn have a lot to catch up on so should I just text you when to pick me up?” I asked Nash.
“Yeah sure! Nice meeting you Quinn!” Nash winked at her and him and Hayes walked back to the car.
Quinn and I walked into the living room and chilled on the couches in there- she always had the most comfortable couches in the world.
“Well how’ve you been?” I asked Quinn.
“Good! well now i’m really good since i’m going to be a magcon VIP.”
“Well you are certainly a very important person,” we both laughed.
“How’s the love life?” I asked.
“Well… there was this kid Michael but I kind of got over that so single at the moment. How about you?”
“Single and ready to mingle,” I joked.
We laughed and joked for what must have been two hours until Nash came back to pick me up for dinner tonight.
“It was great to see you Quinn! and I’ll see you tomorrow at Magcon!”
“Yay! thanks again and bye Jason!”
I drove off with Nash and Hayes back to the hotel to get ready for dinner tonight. Honestly I was feeling a lot of anxiety about this whole Magcon thing. Everyone else in Magcon had such a big fanbase already and I was kind of new. I’ve always been with Nash and Hayes for as long as I can remember, but I’ve never even met any of the other magcon people. I just hope they like me…

Stuck (A Magcon Fanfic)
Fiksi PenggemarJason is a 14 year old guy who is best friends with the Griers. He was asked to join the magcon family which causes a lot of nerves for him. Will he ever come out of his shell? His cousin Quinn (14) was a big fan of the guys and was overjoyed when...