All of our Scars

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Nash’s POV:

I raced into the bathroom looking for Jason knowing he needed someone there for him.


“Jason? come on where are you?” I asked to the silent bathroom.


A stall door all the way to the right slid open so I made my way over to see Jason sitting on the floor burying his face into his arms. I sat down next to him and just sat there for a little in silence. After five minutes I decided to start the conversation.


“hey, you know your fans and all of us love you. Everyone makes mistakes.”


“I blew it” He moaned not making eye contact.


“Noo you didnt! the beginning was so good and the fans loved it anyways!”


“Not the fans Nash, Cat! She’ll think I didn’t care enough to memorize a freaking song.”


“No she won’t! dont say that I bet she wishes she could tell you how much she loved it right now.”


“I don’t really think I could go out there to see her in case you’re wrong”


“Come on Jay you know the fans will love you, and I’ll do my meet and greet with you in case you need someone”


“But what if the fans don’t wanna meet me anymore?”


I laughed and said, “Jay you are an amazing kid and your fans will allllwayys love you. Even when you totally fluke an Ed Sheeran song.”


Jason smiled a little bit and finally looked at me.


“I miss emmy.” he said changing the subject.


“I know. I miss my family too. But you, me, and hayes are your family now. We’re here for you when you need someone.”


“Thanks Nash. For everything.”


“Anytime JJ, now lets go meet some fans!” I said standing up and grabbing his hand.


He smiled and walked outside of the bathroom with me and back on stage. The audience was cheering and screaming overjoyed that Jason came back out. Jason walked over to the mike to say a few words.


“Hi Guys! I’m sorry I messed up back there but I just didn’t feel right about that song and forgot the lyrics! I’m excited to see you all at the meet and greet!” I saw him make eye contact with someone then just freeze with fear. He jerked away and walked fastly off the stage as Shawn walked on ready to perform.


Shawn’s POV:


My heart was pumping out of my chest. I felt like there was a giant drum beating inside of my chest. I was about to do something so risky… yet so worth it. I made my way over to the mike looking out into all the fans. Then I spotted her, the girl of my dreams. Quinn. West. Her brown and wavy hair dropped effortlessly down to her shoulders in the most beautiful way. Her brown eyes looked straight into my soul and I just loved her. I swallowed back my fear and grasped the mike with my shaky hands.


“This song goes out to a very special girl… who I think I love. I’m not gonna name names, but she knows who she is.”


I looked over at Quinn and saw her puzzled then realize I was talking about her. She blushed and looked down at her phone. I guess that’s a compliment. I began to sing Need You Now by Lady Antebellum. I wanted Quinn to know that I didn’t just want her… I NEEDED her. Throughout the song I saw fans singing along and recording it on their phones. I tried to make eye contact with Quinn but she was staring straight into the ground. Why wouldn’t she look at me? Then I saw something that cause every vein in my body to bulge out as my face reddened. I saw Taylor walk over to the crowd with a scowl on his face and grab Quinn. She buried her face into his chest as they moved away from the crowd. Great. Just great. She loves Taylor and was so embarrassed to hear me sing to her and about her. I finished the song, thanked the crowd, then walked off the stage.


Jason looked at me and tried to walk over obviously aware of what happened. I was so mad at him. Why didn’t he talk to Quinn for me? I needed him to be a friend and help me but he just let her go off with Taylor. I’m so done with trying to be his friend if hes not gonna help me. He walked over and tried to say something.


“Hey Shawn Quinn is just-” He tried to say the rest but I just grabbed his shoulders and threw him to the ground without saying another word.


“Yo SHAWN what the hel was that?!?” Jack G yelled helping Jason up.


“Screw you Jason,” I said walking away.


“Quinn will never love you,” He replied getting up.


I stopped for a second hurt by what he said. I couldn’t control myself I sprinted towards him and threw him to the ground yet again not done proving my point. Jack G and Nash both grabbed my arms and pushed me away.

“Shawn get the HEL outta here,” Nash yelled at me.


I stomped away steamed with anger and locked myself in the bathroom. Why were they taking his side? I was the victim here, of Taylor! I didn’t do anything wrong. I punched the stall then stormed out ready to go home. As I walked out I just saw Jason glare at me then look away. I didn’t care about him, or taylor. Just Quinn. I started to walk out of the hotel when Matt and Carter ran up to me.


“Shawn wait! Don’t leave you need to see the fans,” Matt said.


“yeah bud what you did was kinda bad but at least stay for the fans you don’t have to talk to Jason or Taylor,” Carter added.


“I’ll stay but I’m not talking to Taylor, Jason, or Quinn,” I said with my voice trailing off.


It was so unlike me to get so mad and do such mean things. Looking back at it I kinda wish I didn’t push Jason… twice. But I did and I couldn’t change the past so I guess I needed to apologize eventually. Just not now. I needed to avoid Quinn and make sure she doesn’t find out about the little incident I had with Jason.


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