Fire, Destruction, and... death

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Y/n's Pov

"No! Come Back!"
I woke up with a start. It has been so long since that happened. 6 years to be exact, and let me tell you, a lot has changed.

I heard noise coming from outside my little hut and lots of it. I quickly put on my grey coat and lightsaber before stepping outside. All I saw was destruction, fire, and stormtroopers. I looked to my left and saw a demolished building. I widened my eyes as I realized it was Ben's hut.

Soon enough I saw others coming out of their huts too, looking surprised and worried. I heard shouts of "Where's Master Luke?" and "What's happening?" I noticed the Stormtroopers advancing on us and we all quickly got ready to fight. Soon enough everyone was defending themselves from their laser blasts. More and more Stormtroopers arrived as we dodged and hit them back. It wouldn't be long before we got overwhelmed. Many were down already.

I was concentrating so hard I didn't notice the building collapsing behind me until it was too late. It came tumbling down on me before I was knocked out cold beneath the pile. All you could see was my hand sticking out from beneath, holding the lightsaber I made.

Time skip.

Luke's Pov

The heat and weight of the building on top of me was annoying. 'I bet everyone thinks I'm dead.' I thought as I dug my mechanical hand the way I thought was up. Eventually my hand reached its destination and I dug myself out. I looked around myself as I regained my breath. Everything was in ruins. All I could see was fire, destruction, and... dead bodies. Many were those of my own students. It was a horrifying sight.

'I'm sorry Leia, I failed you.' I thought as I looked down at the lightsaber in my hand.

I then remembered the girl that was like a daughter to me. I looked over to her hut to see it demolished like all the others. I scurried around to see if I could find her among the bodies on the ground or any evidence of her life.

After not finding anything, I searched around her hut. Finally, something reflecting the light of the fires caught my eye. Hidden by some of the rubble was her lightsaber. The one I had proudly helped her create a few years ago.

I felt tears form in my eyes as I wiped some of the dirt off. I knew she was alive, I only hoped she was ok.
I found a button that opened a secret compartment at the bottom. There was two Kyber crystals inside. One blue and one red. I knew the one she had in the heart of her lightsaber was purple so I was confused at why she had these. I then noticed hole in each as if to be used to put string through so that they could be hung around the neck. I put them back in and closed the compartment.

I put it on my belt with my own lightsaber before looking around myself once again. I knew what I had to do. No one will forgive me for what I've done. I remember learning of the place where the Jedi began. It's been so long that the planet isn't in any records. It would be the perfect place to get away and learn more. I had the map in my satchel, which was in my secret hut in the forest.

I arrived after half an hour of limping to get there. I didn't need the map but I knew that I needed to leave a way for someone to eventually find me.

I was ready to go before I remembered Y/n's lightsaber. I took it off my belt, only for the secret compartment to reopen and spill its contents onto the floor. I picked up the two crystals and was about to put them back in when the two seemed to connect together perfectly .

I looked at them before realizing they formed a heart shape.

I frowned as I looked at the heart. I had a feeling there was a meaning in it all.
I decided I would keep the crystals, but I would make sure Y/n got her lightsaber back, no matter what. I wrote a quick note to her explaining what I was doing and why I had taken the crystals before folding it and putting it in the compartment with a piece of the map.

I grabbed my stuff and started for my secret transport. I boarded and headed off to spread the map.

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