Death to the Republic

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Y/n's Pov

Everyone was watching through the windows, waiting. I was about to go on my first mission with Kylo. We were on the Star destroyer, getting prepared to leave. I felt a rumble go through the ship as it happened. A beam, so big and bright came from the Starkiller Base. The dangerous thing blasted through space and hit the planets of the republic. I gasped as I felt the disturbance in the force as millions of people were killed.

As soon as it was over, we were flying towards the planet below us. The planet was as full of vegetation as anything could get. As we got closer I saw the stormtroopers that had gone ahead, fighting and shooting people down below. I was saddened deeply by the sight and was surprised when I saw the familiar face of FN-2187, Han Solo, and Chewie.

The transport landed and I followed Kylo out. He stopped at the entrance for a second and turned to me. "Stay here." He simply told me before heading off into the forest. I was confused but obeyed anyways because I didn't want to have to fight my friends or innocent people. I saw my friends get surrounded and captured before I saw something coming from over the horizon. It was the Resistance!

I watched as the stormtroopers dispersed and my friends escaped. It wasn't long before everyone started retreating. I was wondering why until I saw Kylo coming out of the forest with an unconscious girl in his arms. I heard a scream coming from somewhere to my side. I saw FN-2187 running towards us as I walked aboard, following Kylo. I gave him a sorrowful look that he probably didn't see before we lifted off.

We arrived the the Starkiller base not too long later and Kylo headed off somewhere with the girl. I saw a glimpse of her face and I noticed something familiar about it but couldn't pin it down. Everyone around me seemed slightly joyful at the elimination of the Republic. I was confused and sad but I hid it as much as I could as I walked back to my quarters. I soon arrived and entered. I took off my cloak and lay down on my bed with a sigh, looking up at the ceiling in thought. An hour later, I was surprised to hear a commotion coming from above me. I couldn't make out what the sounds were until I heard them suddenly stop. Thinking it was nothing I decided to have a shower and try to get some more rest. Fifteen minutes later I was refreshed and in bed again.

-Time Skip-

I was awoken to the sound of something above me again, although it was louder this time. I listened carefully and finally realized it was Kylo having an anger rage. 'I wonder what has got him so angry.' I thought. I was about to to go back to my nap when I heard something happen right above my head.

I opened my eyes to see a red beam from a lightsaber a few inches away from my head. I gasped as it receded and looked at the hole it created. I saw a little movement through the hole before everything was quiet. Half an hour later I heard a knock on my door. Luckily I had gotten up and was dressed so I answered the door. Kylo was there.

"Your assistance is required, our prisoner escaped and is somewhere on the base." He said simply. I nodded before grabbing my cloak and following him down the hall. He gave me a section of the base to search and I was on my way. I searched for an hour without seeing anything suspicious.
I was nearing Kylo's section when I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye.

I looked down the hall I thought I saw it down but saw nothing and continued. I kept on looking around and was coming to the hanger the Tie-fighters were kept in when I heard a name being called. "Rey!" I widened my eyes. Not only did that sound like FN-2187's voice, but that name was a name I hadn't heard in a very long time. 'Is it possible?' I asked myself, heading to where I heard the voice. I neared a hallway and I thought I saw movement down it as well, but when I checked again, there was nothing.

I continued walking until I stopped in alarm. I felt the base I was in shake. I heard the cries of 'get ready!' and 'the Resistance is attacking!'.  A few minutes later I hear shouts coming from somewhere behind me, farther away. I start walking that way and I reached the oscillator with catwalks running across it above the huge drop down.

I gasped as I saw a figure fall down the shaft as one stands with a lightsaber ignited in his hand. I almost cry out when I realized Kylo had just killed his father, Han Solo. I heard Chewie moan from somewhere above and a blaster go off. Kylo bends down in pain as he is hit by the blast. I look up and see the same girl that he had captured and FN-2187 leaving hurriedly with a few tears. I continued walking towards the unmasked Kylo and he notices me.

"Are you alright?" I ask him. He nods with a scowl before heading towards the exit to follow the two I had just seen leave. I follow him as I knew it would be suspicious to stay back and I also wanted to know what was going to happen. As we came to the snowy surface I heard an explosion behind me and saw the oscillator explode. I watched as X-wings above me started shooting it more to destroy it completely. Kylo and I got further and further away as the oscillator was destroyed. The ground beneath us began to shake as the energy held inside couldn't be controlled.

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