No! Come Back!

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Ok, so now I bet you don't exactly know what is going on, so let's rewind to 6 years ago. On that fateful day, when your life was changed forever.

-Rewinding back 6 years-

"No! Come back!" Rey yelled as her parents flew away, now richer than they had ever dreamed of being. Her sister stood off to the side, crying as well. Both girls were being held in iron grasps, with no hope of escape. They had just been sold into slavery, by their own parents.

After the ship had finally flown out of view, the two girls looked at each other sadly before their 'owners' started dragging them off in different directions. "No! Please don't separate us! I'm begging you!" The older one said, struggling.

They struggled and screamed until they were knocked out and dragged away.

Y/n's Pov

I awoke in a small room. The only light was coming through a small window, too far to reach. I remembered the events of what I guess wasn't too long ago before starting to cry again. I knew my life would never be the same.

Suddenly, there was an explosion outside and everyone started screaming. I hid in a corner, not knowing what was happening.

Before long, I heard someone unlocking the bolted door into the room I was in. "Escort everyone outside." Someone said. "There's only one girl in here sir." A robotic voice replied. "Leave her, she won't be any use to us." I heard before the door was clanged shut. I realized they hadn't locked it, but I didn't care. My life was ruined, everything I cared for was gone.

-Time Skip-

I awoke to the sound of an aircraft landing somewhere outside. "Search the area for any survivors." I heard.

A few minutes passed before someone opened the door to the room I was in. I was still huddled in the corner, afraid and upset. "Leia, you might want to come see this." I heard a man say.

Before long, a woman stood at the entrance. "The only survivor I'm guessing, they wouldn't want a girl." she said in a sad voice before entering the room. I tried backing into my corner even more but I couldn't. "Hey, it's ok. We won't hurt you." She said, crouching down. I looked up slightly in relief although I still wasn't sure. "Who are you?" I asked in a quiet, hoarse voice. My throat was dry from crying so much. "My name's Leia, I'm from the Resistance. What's your name child?" She said. "Y/n." I replied, relaxing. "Do you want to come with us? We can find your family." "My parents don't want me, they sold me and my sister before we were separated." I replied. "I'm so sorry." She said. I nodded before starting to stand up. "I'll come with you. If you help me find my sister."

After flying for the first time through space, we made it to their Resistance base. Leia held my hand as we walked out of the aircraft. We were greeted by a crowd of people that parted as we walked through. Everyone greeted the crew loudly before going quiet when they saw me. I stayed out of view the best I could before we supposedly reached our destination.

-Time Skip-

I was introduced to Leia's husband, son, and brother before being shown where I could stay. I also found out that Leia was the leader here, being called 'Commander Organa'.

Since I was 14, Leia said that after I had washed up and gotten into the new clothes set out for me, I should find her in the control room. I quickly washed up and headed out. Luckily this place wasn't a maze so it was easy to find the control room.

I saw Luke, Leia's brother, and Leia talking in hushed voices in the corner. I walked up to them and they finished their conversation. Leia greeted me before asking me about my sister. I told them she was 6 years younger than me, what she looked like, and where I saw her last. "She must be on Jakku still." Luke concluded. We all agreed. We discussed a bit more about it before Luke changed the subject. "Leia, shall we tell her about the plan?" Leia frowned and nodded.

I had just learned that I was Force-sensitive. They had taken some sort of test before telling me. They said I could be trained to use it, and maybe even become a Jedi one day. I wanted to repay their kindness somehow, and I figured this might be a way to do so, so I agreed. They said I would spend a month there at the base to learn about the Resistance before I would be sent off to start training with other students. Luke was going to be our teacher.

-Time skip-

The month flew past, and soon enough it was time to leave. Leia had become like a mother to me. We had tried finding my sister, with no such luck. I had told them that I knew practically everything about every aircraft ever made, (Let's just say that scavenging has its benefits, especially in large crash sites) so I got to pilot my own while most of the others just got a ride in the Millennium Falcon with Han Solo and Chewy. I followed them as we headed off to another uninhabited planet where our training would be held. We landed and got out of our aircrafts.

We walked through a forest before coming to a clearing with multiple stone huts all around. "Welcome to your new home until you have finished your Jedi training." Luke said to me, gesturing to the area. He showed me where my hut was as the others went back to their old ones. Training would start tomorrow so I knew I needed rest. I also knew that I was behind the others so I would have to train hard to get to where they were at.

The sun was already setting when we arrived so it was dark by the time I had unpacked my small bag filled with the things I had collected during the last month.

After an hour of carving wood with my knife, I decided that I might as well get some sleep. We had to be up and ready by 6 o'clock and it was probably gonna be a long day.

-Time Skip-

Luke's Pov

It's been 6 years since I started the Jedi Academy. All the students are doing well although I am worried about 2 of them. The main one was Ben, my own sister's son. He was turning to the dark side. I could sense it. The second was Y/n, although I definitely didn't worry to much about her turning even when I knew she wasn't fully in the light. She also caught up to where the others were at after a year which is very rare. The problem was that the force is very strong with her, and I wasn't sure if she'd be able to control it.

Tonight was the night I would confront Ben about the darkness. All was quiet as I walked towards his hut, an eerie quiet, like everything was about to go wrong.

Rey's Sister -A Star Wars Story- (Star Wars x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now