Being a Commander

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Y/n's Pov

I awoke to someone knocking quietly yet urgently at the same time. "Commander Y/n, you are requested in the training room." I heard FN-2187 say. "I'll be out shortly." I called and quickly got ready for the day. I got dressed in an outfit that was given to me the day before. A droid was meant to be bringing some other stuff today. I grabbed an apple from my kitchenette and my lightsaber before heading out. "Let's be on our way then, we don't want to keep Kylo waiting." I said. FN-2187 nodded and we headed off. I ate my apple along the way, thinking about everything that had happened.

It took awhile but we finally made it to the training room. There was a code needed for the door but luckily I had studied a guide in my quarters that had all the codes for everywhere. "You can go eat but be back in an hour or so." I told FN-2187. He nodded and walked off.

I entered the room to find it pitch black. I could feel Kylo's presence so I walked into the middle of the room. The door shut behind me and there was only a very dim light coming from the lights. My eyes adjusted slightly and I could see the wall ahead of me.

Everything was silent for a bit before I heard a lightsaber ignite behind me. Kylo had trained me a bit before and I knew a few of his techniques so I didn't flinch. I took my lightsaber off my belt and ignited it at the same time. The lights above were getting a bit lighter as I turned to face Kylo who had his mask on. I took my stance and waited for him to attack. Soon enough it came and I was ready. I blocked and deflected all his blows as he attacked over and over.

I didn't realize I was being pushed back until my back was pressed against the wall. Kylo started pressing harder as I thought of a way to get out of it. I turned off my lightsaber, and if I hadn't ducked at the same second, I would be in two pieces on the ground. I took a few steps before turning back to Kylo. There was a large slash going through the wall where I was just a few seconds ago.

'Uh oh' I thought as Kylo turned around and re-ignited his saber. I knew he didn't like being outsmarted and it showed on his now unmasked face. He charged with a yell and I quickly ignited my saber and defended myself. Instead of placing many attacks, Kylo pressed harder on his saber.

I could feel the heat radiating off the sabers on my neck. A few of my loose strands of hair burnt to a crisp as the sabers came closer. The lightsabers burned my skin a bit before Kylo stopped and we turned off our sabers. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I put away my saber. The burn on my neck hurt quite a bit and I knew I should have it checked later.

I flinched as I felt a gloved finger touch the burn. "Training is over for today. If I were you, I would be more careful next time." Kylo said through his gritted teeth as he pulled away his hand. I nodded and took my leave. Just before the door shut behind me, I heard an angry yell and a saber being ignited. I could actually hear the saber destroying most likely the wall when the door was closed. I

FN-2187 was standing outside waiting and a few troopers in the hall were all looking at me. "I would not recommend going near him for a bit." I said. The troopers all nodded and turned around, going in the opposite direction.

"Are you alright Commander?" FN-2187 asked. I nodded. "I'm fine, just a little burn. I would not recommend outsmarting the Main Commander." I said. He nodded and lead me to a small medical bay. There was one on each level although there was a larger one somewhere. I was given a little ointment for it before I was told I 'would live'. Looks like I have some work to do on the medical droids.

We were about to head off to our rooms when FN-2187 got a command from his built-in radio. "You are needed in the control room." He said after a bit. I nodded and we headed off. I saw Captain Phasma along the way and gave her a slight nod. I hoped we could forget our differences.

We reached the control room in good time and I entered the code into the door. General Hux was watching over everything from the balcony we had entered onto. He turned and nodded to me with a frown. "There is a meeting about to be held on flying techniques in the next room. Since you are the new commander of that section, it is necessary that you are there." He said and nodded to a door on the side of the balcony. I nodded and entered. It seems that word travels fast. I was glad that they gave me instructions because I was new although I know that I would have to go by my schedule when it comes soon enough.

FN-2187 stood near the wall with a few other stormtroopers as I sat in my designated spot. Soon enough others started filing in. Phasma nodded at me as she entered and Hux just frowned. Kylo was the last one to enter and I bet he was glaring at me from under his mask. There were a few others of lower ranks there too although I didn't know any of them.

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