Waking Up

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Rey's Pov

I awoke in Snoke's throne room, surrounded by bodies and flames. I felt the ship move underneath me and saw a surprising sight out of the windows. The ship had been split in two, but how? I knew there was no time to question myself, Kylo could wake up any time and I would have no chance of getting away.

I looked around myself and noticed an entryway to what looked to be an escape shuttle. I picked myself up and was about to head that way when I noticed one figure lying unconscious by the wall near the door. I walked over to her and crouched down.

'Could Y/n really be my sister? After all these years, was there really always someone out there?' I asked myself. I noticed a lightsaber not too far away in two pieces. It was Luke's.

I picked up the two halves of the lightsaber and studied them before placing them in my satchel. Maybe I would be able to fix it. I looked at Y/n again, and glanced at my satchel.

She had tried to save both Kylo and I from the injuries or death the lightsaber could have brought upon us, but at the same time, had taken those upon herself. She was barely breathing and I wasn't sure if she would survive. I could try to take her with me, but I'd be running low on time. I hesitated, and then decided I would leave peacefully.

She had saved both Kylo and I for some specific reason I felt, and I would respect that and let things play out. I left for the escape shuttle and sent a signal to Chewie in the Millenium Falcon before flying away from the vast ship, split in half behind me.

Kylo Ren's Pov

I awoke suddenly to find a figure standing over me. Everything was blurred for a second although I could tell the figure did some quick movement, probably to hide something. My vision cleared and I saw that it was General Hux. He stepped back slightly as I stood up. "What happened?" He asked, with what looked to be concern, although I'm sure it was mostly fake.

"The girl murdered Snoke." I answered, getting up. The ship beneath us lurched violently and I looked outside, confused as to why this was. I was met with a sight I thought was impossible. The very ship we were on, was split in half! Hux walked over to the corner and checked on the read outs.

"What happened?" I asked. "Snoke's escape shuttle is gone." He said. I widened my eyes, but only slightly, as looked around myself. Bodies were strewn across the room, but one was missing. "So Y/n killed Snoke?" Hux asked. I turned back to him. "No, it was the other girl. Her Sister." I replied, spitting out the words 'Her Sister'. Hux widened his eyes.

"The scavenger girl?" He asked. "We know where she's going. Get our forces down to that Resistance base. This isn't over yet, let's finish this." I ordered angrily. "Let's finish this?! You presume to command My army? The Supreme leader is Dead." He retorted. I turned angrily to him and raised my hand, putting Hux in a force choke. "The Supreme leader is Dead?" I said, as Hux fell to his knees, struggling to breathe.

"Long, live, the, Supreme, Leader." He forced out, and I let him go and turned around. I was about to leave when I remembered something, or rather someone. I redirected my path slightly and ended up standing over an unconscious Y/n on the floor. Luke's lightsaber was no where to be found but hers was still there. 'It's no matter.' I thought. 'She's as good as dead now.'

I was about to turn away and leave when I realized something. 'She had tried to save both the girl and I, but why?' I turned to look at her once again, when something caught the corner of my eye.

Sitting across the room, was two crystals that reflected the slowly dying flames from the curtains. I stride up to them and picked them up, studying them in my hands. Snoke had recognized them, and they had somehow helped Y/n to defy his power. I remembered how Snoke had clenched his fist around them before letting go in surprise.

I clenched the two crystals in my hand, but nothing happened. I opened my hand to see the two had connected to form a heart. 'What's so special about these?' I asked myself. I looked at them once more before stuffing them in a pocket.

Kylo strode out of the room with Hux not far behind, but neither of them noticed a slight glow come from Kylo's pocket as they walked past the unconscious Y/n.

Rey's Sister -A Star Wars Story- (Star Wars x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now