Evacuation and Escape

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Y/n's Pov

I noticed two figures up ahead amongst the trees. I recognized them as FN-2187 and the girl. Kylo came up quietly behind them as they tried catching their breathe. I was right beside him when he ignited his lightsaber. "We're not done yet." He said as the two turned around to see us. I was hiding my face under my cloak but I knew FN-2187 recognized me.

"You're a monster!" The girl said to Kylo. "It's just us now. Han Solo can't save you." Kylo said. The girl yelled and brought up a blaster she had taken from a stormtrooper. She blasted a lucky shot before being flown into a tree by Kylo. Well, it was lucky for her anyways. I, being on the receiving end however, made me quite unlucky. The blaster made its mark on my shoulder. I was standing one second and one the ground the next. I slowly lost consciousness due to loss of blood and shock but not before I heard Kylo yell 'Traitor' and another lightsaber igniting.

-Time Skip-

I awoke to medics surrounding me and I panicked while trying to sit up. I was held down by the unfamiliar people around me. "Where am I?" I asked as loudly as I could which was just more than a whisper. I was being rolled on a stretcher somewhere. "That's not important right now. What's important is that we deal with the hole in your shoulder." One of the medics replied. It was then that I felt the excruciating pain in my shoulder. It tilted my head to the side and saw what was causing the pain. I widened my eyes when I noticed a large hole in my shoulder. 'My arm will never be the same again.' I thought as I fell unconscious again.

-Before this-

Leia's Pov

The Millennium Falcon landed on the platform as we all surrounded it to congratulate the people inside in their success. The girl I had heard so much about but have never met exited first with Chewy behind her. There were cheers before everyone noticed the unconscious Finn in his arms.

Medics were rushed in quickly to take him to the hospital as BB-8 exited as well and found C3P0. There were a few quick, worried beeps from him before C3P0 translated to me. "There's another injured on board although she's not from the Resistance." He said in his robotic voice before going off about other stuff as I called another group of medics to get the girl. My eyes widened as I saw Y/n being pushed past me on a stretcher.

I shook my head before turning back to greet Chewy and the girl who introduced herself as Rey. I felt like I heard that name before somewhere but I couldn't place it. Rey seemed to understand the grief I was going through with losing Han and she was grieved as well. We shared a hug to assure each other and as a greeting. We parted and it was time to get back to work. The First Order's Starkiller base had been destroyed but that didn't mean they were gone and they also knew where this base is now. We probably had a week before they came back to attack again. We needed to get started on evacuation immediately. I called for a meeting and we made plans to start evacuation and head towards an old abandoned Resistance base on the planet of Crait.

-Time Skip-

Y/n's Pov

I was sitting near a window in the control room, watching what was happening outside while others could still keep an eye on me. My arm was still healing although I knew I wouldn't be able to use it much if at all in the future. FN-2187, who I found out was now called Finn was still unconscious from the lightsaber fight he had with Kylo Ren. I never heard what happened to the girl I saw with him.

We were just completing evacuation when First Order ships started arriving out of light speed in the space near the plane. The last escape shuttle was boarding as the 3 arrived. Two were Star Destroyers while the last one was a bit bigger. We sent out our X-wing pilots out and we all watched as they did what damage they could. I watched as one of the pilots destroyed the last turboblaster before flying back to defend our bombers from TIE fighters that were arriving in big numbers.
The TIE fighters were the first orders last line of defense but they were doing their job.

X wings and Bombers were being blown to bits as they continued towards the main ship. One last bomber made it to its destination but was going down. "Drop the bombs now!" A voice said over the intercom. There was no reply but after a minute, at the last second, the bombs were dropped down onto the ship. Cheers went up all around me but I didn't cheer. Many lives were lost during this and it would be very hard to recover.

The few X- wing pilots left retreated and we jumped into hyperspace to get away. I decided to go back to my small recovery room and told Leia. She nodded but didn't send anyone with me. I guess she still trusted me although others didn't.

I was walking towards my room when I saw Poe and Finn sitting at a table not too far away. "Now, answer my question, where's Rey?" I heard Finn say. I stopped in my tracks, memories flooding back. I quickly turned towards them and was at their table before Poe answered Finn. "Rey?" I asked.

Finn and Poe looked at me shocked and confused. "What are you doing walking around here without a supervisor. If anything, that's a little suspicious." Poe commented. I stared at him blankly for a second before Finn butt in. "You know her?" He asked, confused. "If your talking about who I think you are talking about, then yes, although I haven't seen her in a very long time. How do you know her?" I asked, hoping we were talking about he same person. "I met her on Jakku after we escaped." He answered, gesturing to himself and Poe. I widened my eyes and almost fainted in shock. I then realized what Finn had asked Poe. "Where's Rey?" I asked him. Poe was silent for a bit, looking between me and Finn before finally filling us in.

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