A plan to save the Resistance

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Y/n's Pov

We found Poe in Leia's chambers which had been changed into a temporary medical center. I sat handing Leia's hand while the other two told him the plan.

"Tell it to me one more time but simpler." Poe said. The two continued talking as I looked at Leia. Medical droids we're doing what they needed to and I tried my best to stay out of their way. C-3PO was standing in the corner nervously, worried about his General and BB-8 was wheeling around mournfully.

After a bit BB-8 came up to me and beeped, reminding me he wanted to know what it was like with Luke on Ach-to and wanted something to distract him from all the worries he had. I started by describing the flight there and how the place looked before telling him about what Luke thought about the Jedi and how the Jedi Order must end.

"I'm not sure if you knew this but I was trained alongside Ben Solo under Master Luke until he turned. Lots happened after that and then I ended up finding Luke without the whole map. He taught me about how the dark side of the force uses too much brain while the Jedi Order uses too much heart. He also taught me how there can never be light without darkness, and how there always needed to be a balance between the two. That is what he taught me to be while I was there on the island. I trained myself to use both the heart and mind to make choices and to never use the force when it was unwilling. I could go on but I know that the others are just about done talking and I already told you most of the experience on Ach-to." I told him. BB-8 beeped at the ending, saying thank you and wheeling off. He'll probably go on and on about it to R2-D2 when he gets back.

I turned my concentration back to the conversation going on between the three at the table. "No, they scramble the codes every hour, it would be impossible to get through the First Order's security." I nodded at this before remembering something. I leaned forward.

"I think I know someone who could help us with the coding problem." I said. Finn looked at me with the same kind of look I probably had on my face.

"Who?" Rose and Poe asked me in unison. "Maz Kanata." I said and was surprised to hear Finn say the same thing.

Sadly Maz was not available, apparently she was in the middle of a union dispute, but she did recommend someone. She called him the 'Master Codebreaker'. She said we could find him in Cantobite on Cantonica with a red plum bloom. I assumed it would be a fake one and hopefully he would be wearing it where we could see it.

I wasn't surprised when Poe wanted to hear the plan more time. They went over it but about half way through, Poe saw the beacon tied to Finn's wrist.

"You should probably leave that with me." He said. Finn was very reluctant but after a little, both Poe and Rose had convinced him it was for the best. I was surprised when I noticed a hint of jealousy in Rose's voice when she said Rey's name.

Earlier, when Poe asked how She and Finn had met, she just said 'Luck' and ended it with that. I guessed she changed her mind about Finn being a traitor.

Turns out I was practically just an added security and didn't have much to do on the mission. I would hang back and help when I needed to.

Time Skip

The Shuttle we were in left undetected from the ship thanks to Poe and his associates. We hurried into light speed and were soon hovering over Cantonica. Finn commented on how bland the place looked before Rose explained where are what Cantobite was. I had left to find some different clothes to wear as I was sure I would be detected if I wore the Resistance suit I had on.

"And don't touch anything!" Rose said before she came back as well. She headed towards the landing runners as I searched under a seat for a bag with extra clothes in it. It was strange but nearly every shuttle had one.

I headed towards the bathroom when the shuttle suddenly jolted and tipped. I flew back into the wall behind me before the shuttle leveled out again and I was flung at the bathroom door. I was surprised when it flung open and revealed a BB unit that I recognized.

"BB-8? What are you doing here?" I asked. He beeped back at me and I helped him out. I placed the clothes inside and guided him to the control room.

Rose and Finn seemed to be having an argument but that stopped when they saw me. "Hey guys, look who I found hiding the the bathroom." I said, gesturing to the BB unit who came up behind me. "BB-8!" Finn said in surprise.

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