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Y/n's Pov

We had eaten a bit of the food that I had brought because Luke didn't have anything else to eat in his hut. On our way up the mountain to where I found Luke when I came, we came across what Luke said were the Caretakers. They took care of the island and if you didn't get in their way or damage the island, they were fine with you around. We eventually made it to the place Luke wanted to train me at. You could see the whole island and there was a place that was a bit flat. "Let's start with your lightsaber." Luke said. I nodded and pulled it out.

It took awhile to get used to using a lightsaber again because it had been so long but I eventually got my old skills back and some new ones. Luke and I had also decided to make the new guidance rules for the balance. We called it a guidance because having set rules controls could be a bit risky and could lead to war. The first one was to never ever kill under any circumstances.

We created a few new moves with the lightsaber that could defend but not harm. After we finished with the lightsaber for the time being, we went onto using the force. We agreed that it shouldn't be used excessively and never against someone unless absolutely necessary.

It was during this time that Luke told me something that surprised me. "I never told you before because I wasn't sure how you'd handle it, but you are very strong in the force. Stronger than anyone has ever been. Including my father. I'm not sure how to train you fully with using it but I know now that you'll be able to figure it out." He said. I nodded before deciding to try something out. I picked a flower from nearby that had not bloomed yet and concentrated. I remembered Luke's training in how to use the force. 'Concentrate, imagine, and breathe.' I thought as I closed my eyes. I cupped my hand over the flower and imagined it blooming into the gorgeous flower it was meant to be. I felt the force flowing through the air and in my fingers before feeling something moving in my hand. I opened my eyes and uncovered the flower to find it fully opened and looking exactly like the opened ones that were around me. I smiled and looked up at Luke who was looking at the flower. "Good job Y/n. That's never been done before. You're already proving yourself in ways I couldn't imagine." He said, smiling as well.

The sun was setting so we decided we would be done for the day. We ate a bit of food in Luke's hut and headed off to bed. Before I did so though, I found a wooden cup and got some water. I placed the flower in the cup of water and put it on Luke's windowsill.

-Time Skip-

We continued training the next day in a new place. There was a boulder there and I used it for training with my lightsaber. I made sure I never touched the rock but I did notice that it was crumbling away from the heat of the saber so there was a nice dip when I was done.

We then tried new things with the force, well, I did. Luke still didn't want to use the force. I found out that I could make a replica of myself and make it do anything if I concentrated hard enough. It would be a good way to trick someone into thinking it was the real thing, although it could probably be used as a way to connect with someone too. The only problem is that it took a lot of energy and I could only do it for a few minutes a time before needing to rest.

I trained a bit more with the force before we decided to have a break and Luke gave me a history lesson. "Everyone thought my father, Anakin Skywalker was going to be the one to bring peace to the universe, but then he became Darth Vader. He was feared by everyone during his dark reign, but with his last words, he wished to see his son with his own eyes. Everyone thinks he died dark, but he changed. He turned to the light with his last seconds, and although Kylo may think that it was his grandfather that guided him to the dark side, it was really Snoke. I did the wrong thing that night. I went up to him to confront him, but then I made a bad decision. I was going to kill him Y/n, until I say the eyes of a young boy that was conflicted. I only pushed him away. He contacted the First Order and collapsed his hut on top of me. You know what happened next. If you ever have the chance, you have to tell him the truth, but let him make his own decision on what he does with the information." Luke told me. I was surprised by the story but understood the importance of telling the truth.

We then decided to make a few more guidance rules. From the past experience, Luke came up with 'don't try to change what has already happened or will happen otherwise it could turn out worse.' and I came up with 'don't let others force you into doing something. Listen to what they say but don't follow unless you want to or know it is right.' We then came up with the main explanation/guidance rule for the balance. 'There could never be light without darkness, etc, or vice-versa. Therefore, there is only peace when the two are equal.'

Luke suggested that I should be leaving soon to get back to the Resistance and I agreed. I did some more training and packed up everything. I was to leave in the morning so I made sure everything was ready before Luke and I talked some more. I told him about what had happened over the past years. How I had been taken by the First Order and how the Resistance had to move again. I even introduced him to BB-8 who beeped in delight. Luke also gave BB-8 a message to give R2-D2 when the time was right because he had shut down after Luke had left. Soon enough the sun went down and we went to bed.

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