First Mission

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Y/n's Pov

It has been a year since I became Commander Y/n. I had been able to leak info about the base to the Resistance secretly and FN-2187 had been relieved of his job of my guide and protecter. I had gained quite a few scars from training with Kylo and a few missions I had been on. I didn't have a mask or helmet to hide my identity but I had a cloak that worked quite well to hide my identity. I knew the Resistance didn't know who gave them who gave them the info but Leia probably guessed. I had a feeling they were going to attack soon and I thought others thought so as well. The First Order had found out about the maps to Luke and needed only one more map which I was worried about. They had found information that the last map was on Jakku and Kylo was on his way to get it.

Kylo's Pov

My shuttle landed on the ground and I watched as the troopers rounded up the villagers. When they were rounded up, I exited. I was met by the man that had found the map, Lor San Teeka. "Look how old you've become." I said. "Something far worse had happened to you." He answered and I scowled. "You know what I've come for." I answered. "I know where you come from, before you called yourself Kylo Ren." He said, being stubborn. "The map to Skywalker. We know you've found it, and now your going to give it to the First Order." I said.
"The First Order rose from the Dark side, you did not." He commented. I started getting frustrated and angry.

"I'll show you the dark side." I said through gritted teeth. "You may try, but you can't deny the truth that is your family." I ignited my lightsaber and lifted it in the air. "You're so right." I commented before bringing my saber down.

I heard a yell coming from behind some boulders. A man jumped out and fired his blaster. I rose my hand and stopped the blast before it hit me. I hold the man in place with the force as he struggles. A stormtrooper kicks him onto his knees and I walk up to him. There was silence until he spoke up. "So who talks first? You talk first?" He asked. I groaned inwardly before realizing something. "The old man gave the map to you." I said.

The guy nodded at my mask before speaking. "It's just very hard to understand you with all the..." I grew annoyed at his stubbornness. "Search him." I told the troopers. "Nothing sir." One of the Stormtroopers said after searching. "Put him on board." I ordered and they nodded before doing so. "Sir, the villagers." Captain Phasma said. "Kill then all." I answered before heading back to the ship.

FN-2187's Pov

"On my command!" Captain Phasma ordered. All the stormtroopers got into position and I followed so that it didn't look suspicious. I didn't want to do this. This was my first mission and they were already making me watch my fellow stormtroopers be killed. Not to mention the fact that we were about to kill innocent villagers.

"Fire!" Phasma says, but I just stand there. All the villagers were killed by the others. We got ready to go back to the ships when I saw Kylo Ren stars at me for a second before continuing into his ship. I stood there in fear and watched as the frozen blast is let go and it flys into a building and does some destruction. We boarded our transport and head back to the base.

Everyone exited the transport except me. I remove my helmet and breathed heavily. "FN-2187, submit your blaster for inspection." Captain Phasma said from behind me. I turned surprised and nodded. "Yes, Captain." "And who gave you permission to remove that helmet?" She continued. I looked down at the bloodied helmet. "I'm sorry Captain." I replied. "Report to my division at once." She said before leaving.

I take my blaster away for inspection and find Commander Y/n. "First mission?" She asks as she checks it. I nodded, cautiously looking around myself. "All seems to be in order. You don't want to keep Phasma waiting." She said. I nodded and left.

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