My Lightsaber?

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Leia's Pov

After five years, she finally came back. Everyone thought she was dead but I guess we were proved wrong. I showed her to my room so that we could talk in private. I had many questions, and I bet she did too. We sat down at the small table and started talking. "What have you been doing all these years?" I asked. Y/n frowned. "I was taken in by the First Order. I ended up giving them false info so that I could go undercover. I rose higher in rank so that I could get more info. I was trained by Kylo on fighting but I refuse to use the force unless totally necessary. Since I lost my lightsaber, I also decided to resort to a blaster. Luckily I haven't been sent on any missions so all I do is fly and help keep things in order while the commanders are away. They are sometimes away for some time because they are building a new base, I don't actually know anything much about it except that it's bigger and badder than the Death Star." She said. I nodded and widened my eyes at the news of a base that could potentially cause a lot of damage.

Although I was saddened when I heard my son's new name and surprised at the news of a new base, I was amazed at how she was able to go undercover. "Nobody has found you out yet?" I asked. "Not yet, although I know that if I ever have to meet Snoke, I will be found out quickly. That's why I've made sure I haven't gotten that high in rank." She explained.

"What about my son? Is he alright?" I asked, finally getting to what I really wanted to know. Y/n paused for a bit before replying. "Kylo hates being called Ben, nobody calls him that anymore unless they want to be killed. You could say we are friends but if anyone gets him mad, no one can stop him from destroying something. Everyone fears him, but I know there is still light in him. There is hope." She said. I frowned at the start but smiled a bit when she said there may still be some light in him.

We continued talking about First Order plans and what the Resistance had been up to until I remembered her lightsaber. "I just remembered. Luke left something for you before he left." I said, before walking over to my closet in the corner. I pulled a box out and placed it on the table, facing Y/n. "Open it." I told her. She did as I said and gasped when she realized what it was. "My lightsaber? I thought I would never see it again." She said, taking it out of the box. She surveyed it before opening a secret compartment I didn't even realized was there. She frowned as she looked inside it. She tipped it down onto the table and a slip of paper and a piece of an electronic map fell out. She opened it before looking at me. "It's a note from Luke." I quickly joined her side as she started reading it out loud.

"Dear, Y/n. I know that you'll probably be reading this to Leia, so I'm just going to start by saying sorry. I failed both of you, in being a good trainer and brother. I have taken my leave of this galaxy to protect you all and prevent anything worse happening. I have scattered a map across the galaxy that leads to me. I put another in with this note to give you a head start. I know that when the First Order finds out, they won't stop at anything to find me. Y/n, if you are wondering where your kyber crystal heart went, I took it with me because I know it means something important. Leia, I hope one day you'll forgive me for what I've done. Keep doing what you're doing and don't stop. I know one day you'll win. Farewell for now, Luke" Y/n read.

We smiled at each other knowing that we could find Luke one day, but then frowned when he kept on blaming everything on himself. Sure some of it may have been his fault, but not all of it.

-Time Skip-

"I may be able to find him without the rest of the map." Y/n said. We had taken the map piece and joined it with the other piece we already had in the control room to compare it to our map of the galaxy. We were holding a meeting to figure out how we would find Luke. "How?" I asked, curious. "I recognize the pattern of the stars and planets from an old galaxy map I studied." She answered.  "Where?" Admiral Ackbar asked. "Back on Jakku before everything happened. The only problem is that the map is most definitely destroyed." She answered, not saying specifically what happened because it was a hard subject and we all already knew.

After lots of planning, we finally decided that Y/n would go by herself with our newest, one of a kind droid, BB-8. She would leave in a week with the Millenium Falcon because it was the fastest ship we had at the moment. Han was reluctant at first but knew it was for the best.

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