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Y/n's Pov

Almost everyone higher up was called to a large meeting room to make a plan of action. Poe was next to me but Finn was nowhere to be found. The last officers left that were not on the bridge entered and I had no choice but to stay and wait till the meeting was over to find Finn.

"General Organa is unconsciousness but recovering. Sadly, that is the only good news I have." One of them said before continuing. "We lost Admiral Ackbar and all the leadership is gone. General Organa, Leia, would say to save our sorrow for after the fight, and that is what we'll do. She left specific instructions on who was to take her place if something like this occurred."

Poe seemed to lean forward in anticipation until Vice-Admiral Holdo stood forward. He then leaned back in what I could see was either relief or disappointment.

"400 hundred of us on three ships, the last of the Resistance, but we're not alone. In every corner of the Galaxy, there are ones that know are symbol and put their hope in it." Admiral Holdo said before continuing her speech.

I noticed Poe glancing at other officers to see their reactions. They seemed a bit skeptical but it could've just been the shock of all that has happened.

I rubbed my arm as a slight pain went through it. I wondered if the shot could've been fatal if I hadn't been able to control it's effect with the force, before concentrating back on Admiral Holdo.

"We are the Spark that will light the fire, that will restore the republic. That spark, this Resistance, must survive, that is our mission. Now to your stations and may the force be with us." She concluded.

Everyone got up and I could hear Poe mumble to the guy sitting next to him. "That's Admiral Holdo?" He asked. The guy shrugged and answered in his own language. "Not what I expected." He said before standing up and approaching Admiral Holdo.

I couldn't hear what they said but I guessed Poe was going on about plans and Admiral might have been saying something about how he had just been demoted. She seemed to finish the conversation and leave as Poe stood there, helpless. I walked up to him.

"Have you seen Finn? He's not here." I asked him. Poe just shrugged, still shocked about whatever had just happened.

Time Skip

I had been walking throughout the corridors looking for Finn but didn't spy him until I noticed someone dragging someone else by the leg somewhere.

I couldn't see from the distance I was at but it looked like the one being dragged wasn't very happy and was struggling. I walked closer and was surprised to see Finn was the one being dragged around.

"Wait a second, you stunned me! With a stun thing! Your insane! Help!" he said. The girl that was dragging him, more like woman, turned towards him and gave him a glare. She said something about taking him somewhere but I couldn't quite hear because her voice was quieter and I was still a bit always.

I finally got close enough to fully hear them and I heard Finn trying to explain that he needed to get something far away so a friend doesn't come back to the Resistance fleet. I widened my eyes when I realized he was talking about the beacon and Rey.

He continued on about how the fleet was doomed because we were low on fuel and the First Order could track us through Light speed. The girl seemed to be surprised by this so I guess she didn't know anything about it but I was surprised when she said she might be able to stop the tracking.

I realized that even if she could stop it for a split second, the fleet would be able to escape. They started coming up with a plan to stop it but came to a instant stop when they realized they didn't have a way to actually get to the tracker. I decided it was my time to but it.

"I think I may be able to help with that, well partially anyways." The two turned to me, and looked as if I had just appeared out of thin air. "Who are you?" The girl asked. I chuckled.

"I'm the one and only former First Order 2nd Commander, Y/n." I answered before adding. "But don't tell the First Order that." In a whisper tone.
Finn smiled before I asked the girl who she was.

"I'm Rose. How can you help us and can we trust you?" She asked. I knew where the trust question came from. Anyone who got a high rank in the First Order must have had some loyalty to it.

"You can trust me, I can help because I know my way around the place and they don't know I'm not on their side yet. The only thing I can't help with is getting the code to get in, they change it all the time." I said. Rose nodded but still had a questioning look. "How do you know Finn?" She asked.

I was surprised that she put two and two together but answered anyways. "We go quite a ways back, from being my helper and me helping him escape, to his friend actually being my long lost sister." I said. "There's only one problem." Rose said before continuing.

"He's a traitor for trying to desert and I'm in maintenance. I need to take him to one of the leaders." Before I could answer, Finn said a name. "Poe!" "My name is not Poe, it's Rose." Rose said annoyed, but Finn explained.

"Take me to Poe, he knows me." "But he'll be busy." Rose said unsure. "He'll see us." I but in. Rose looked to me and then nodded. Since the stun hadn't fully worn off, Rose and I half carried, half dragged him to where Poe was most likely at.

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