Author Note

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This is a slow burn romance story
I don't like stories where it's love at first sight, let's get married- type of style. So if you don't like it or don't have the patience to wait then, unfortunately, this isn't the story for you. I'm really sorry.

Super important info! (Don't skip!)

This story is heavily inspired by "Story of Black dragon's child" which is a fanfic that's written by KiyoshiWakeshima. She's an amazing writer so if you like this one your gonna love hers. It's way better than mine.

Here's the link:

Anyways, I originally planned on writing the exact same story only with reader insert. (Yes, I got permission from the author.) However, after writing I realized that my ideas clashed with her story plot at some points. So this story will have a lot of similarities with her's, but that will change at the later arcs.

Even if this is a reader insert story the main focus will not be on the reader. This is mostly because I'm not overly fond of stories where the reader is the only character that is focused on. They tend to make them a Mary Sue character, something I don't like. Well, that and I want to have more focus on a smarter and stronger Natsu. So yes, this story is a Natsu-centric one, rather than a reader-centric one.

Also, isn't it better just to be apart of the world than having everything revolve around you?

Anyways, I' will make additional rules to spells that are either made ut by me or by the original author because I love the thought of drawbacks. Equivalent exchange am I right? ;)

PS: Reader comes in the second chapter.

Important info for the story:

Dragon/Giant/Demon speech: "Bold"
Dragon thoughts: 'Bold/italic'
Human speech: "Normal"
Human thoughts: 'Italic'
Important info if you are new to fanfictions:

AN: Author note
Y/n: Your name
L/n: Last name
E/c: Eye color
H/c: Hair color
F/c: Favorit color
F/f: favorite food

Don't be afraid to comment! I love to read what you guys think!

Just don't be mean, or offensive. This is a safe space story ^^

Black Dragon's Prince (Natsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now