Part 14 (Phantom Lord)

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It's been over a week since Natsu was arrested and Wendy was waiting patiently in the guild.

Even though he and the h/c-haired dragon slayer were finished the trail a long time ago, they decided they wanted to take a small break from the guild to train.

Twitching in her seat Wendy nervously shuffled her feet on the stool. She wanted to see her brother and Y/n again, but she was also extremely nervous. Deep down she knew there was no real reason to worry. Natsu and Y/n could handle themselves, but still...

They were her family.

Her attention immediately turned towards the guild doors as a familiar scent his her nose. As if on cue they opened as Natsu and Y/n stepped into he guildhall.

The sky dragonslayer left her seat in a flash and ended up right in front of Natsu. "You're back!" Wendy beamed at him before her eyes widened upon noticing the burn marks and bruises on his skin.

"A-are you okay!?" She panicked asked only to get a relatively long look from Natsu which made her blush. Somewhat feeling stupid for even asking that.

"No need to worry, Wendy. We just decided to take a small detour." Y/n explained, sending a look to Natsu when Wendy wasn't looking. As a response Natsu nodded, adding more weight to the small lie. 

For now, Wendy didn't need to know about their situation. She didn't need to worry about their conditions. Although they also knew that it wouldn't be long until one of them would have to break it to her... or at least Natsu's condition.

"Do you want to go out of the guild for a week or two? For a job... It's been a month since the last time we went on one."  The dragon prince said, making Wendy's eyes beam, before sullen slightly.  Something Natsu noted.

It was true that it had been quite a while since last time. Despite it being only a month it was a heck of a long time apart for the two siblings. So what had changed?

Was it because of what was hidden under the bandages on his left arm? Or maybe there was something else. Did Wendy know about Y/n's condition too? No... it was probably because of the bandages. Because of the dragonfiction.

At that though Natsu involuntarily moved his left hand out of Wendy's sight.

The younger dragon slayer looked at the floor in guilt. But what could she do? She could barely look at her brother. He was suffering and she and Y/n were the only ones that knew it, and she couldn't do a damn thing. Y/n could at least ease the pain a little bit, but she couldn't do anything.

All she could do was just stand there and see how much he suffered because of it.

Wendy looked away the moment she gave the reply, a reply he didn't expect. "I-I promised Erza I'll go with her on a team job. W-we...were leaving today afternoon."

"Erza has a team?" Natsu asked. "That's new." He scoffed, but hie eyes remained as cold as ever.

Wendy nodded as she bit her lower lip, responding in an even more timid tone. "It consists of Gray, Lucy, and Erza."

"By the sounds of it, you as well," Natsu stated monotonously as he looked at her.

"I guess," Wendy said quietly as Natsu nodded and walked away, not giving any signs or indications as to what he thought.

Brown eyes following her brother she could only watch as Natsu walked up to the second floor. He passed Laxus who sat by the railings on his way, and went up to the mission board looked at it for a few seconds before he tore off two S-class mission flyers.

Wendy could feel her eyes becoming moister before she blinked. She couldn't cry. She wouldn't. However, that didn't stop her from feeling guilty.

Upon the second floor, Laxsus only watched as Natsu departed through a black hole without saying a word to anyone. 

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