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Everybody was gathered at the Seoksoo house and they were all having fun and laughing with and at each other .

"Love you babe~" Hoshi said to Woozi . "Ew get off of me you rat" Woozi said as he slapped hoshi away from him .

The Junhao couple were cuddling and watching a movie with the Meanie couple .

The verkwan couple along with the jeongcheol couple were in Seokmins kitchen trying to bake cookies but everyone just heard yelling and stuff crashing to the ground .

Jisoo was sitting on the couch and Seokmin was in the bathroom .

He hasn't told anyone yet but today is the day that he'll ask Jisoo to be his forever .


The seoksoo couple was watching a drama on the tv and on it was two people getting married .

"I wonder what's it like to get married? I mean like I see it on tv and how exciting it looks and it makes me wonder" Jisoo says as he was in between Seokmins legs with his back against the youngers stomach .

Seokmin then pecked the youngers temple , "I wonder too" he says as he holds Jisoo tighter


They've been together for over a year and Seokmin thinks that it's to early but he just wants to step up the relationship even more .

He rinsed his face and fixed his shirt.

He took out the small box that held the ring he would soon or hope to put on Jisoo ring finger .

He looked at himself in the mirror one last time and nodded "you got this" he said to himself .

He sighed and opened the door .

He walked into the living and saw Jisoo.

He walked up to him and sat next to him . The older automatically leaned into Seokmin which then the younger wrapped his arm around Jisoo .

1 hour later

Seokmin decided that it's time . Everyone was sitting in the living room . The movie was finally over and everyone was just talking .

Seokmin sighed and stood up .

"Is something wrong Seokmin?" Jisoo asked watching his boyfriend get up out of no where .

"Um can I just talk to you guys for a sec" Seokmin said nervously . "Take off your shirt" Seokmin heard someone said . He rolled his eyes and sighed .

"Okay as I was saying!" Seokmin yelled out . He then pulled Jisoo up from the couch .

Jisoo was confused why is he doing this? He looks nervous Jisoo thought .

"Holy shit" Seokmin sighed while wiping his hand sweat on his jeans . "Babe language" . "sorry"

"Well okay I'm just gonna start... Joshua Hong or Jisoo Hong whatever you want to be called . The first time you became my butler I thought you were very cute . I always thought you did your job great , he always took care of me and he always looked out for me . You've been with me through my ups and down and I'm thankful . I'm so happy that I get to say I love you everyday and wake up next to you . Sooo" he then gets down on one knee and reached to grab the small box .

"Seokmin omg" Jisoo said starting to tear up . He couldn't believe this was actually happening . He dreamed of this day since forever and now it was finally happening .

"Jisoo , will you marry me?"

Everyone started to cheer even though Jisoo hadn't even answered .

There was a slight pause .

"Yes I will" Jisoo said while tears of joy burst out of his eyes .

Seokmin got up and kissed the older on lips while everyone was clapping like seals and cheering for them .

They pulled away then Seokmin took out the ring from the box and grabbed Jisoos hand firmly.

He slid the ring onto Jisoos ring finger and they both leaned in for another kiss .

Everyone was hugging and congratulating the couple .

Jisoo was so happy that the tears of joy were still flowing and Seokmin pulled him into a tight hug to keep him from crying .


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