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Jaeun and Seokmin have been dating for almost a week now and Jisoo hated it.

Everywhere he'd be the couple would always be there either cuddling or making out.

Jisoo cried almost every night because of the couple . He wanted to take Jaesun place so badly. He wanted to feel Seokmins arms around him, he wanted to feel the younger lips on his.
But those thoughts were all ruined because of jaeun.

Seokmin really loved Jaeun even though they've been dating for only a little over a week Seokmin felt a connection.

"Hey babe do you wanna go out again?" He asked and she smiled widely . "Yes but lets go shopping instead of eating" she said excitedly . Seokmin agreed and Jaeun gave him a big hug.

"Jisoo we're going out!" Seokmin yelled . The older heard him but didn't respond.

They got to the mall and the first store Jaeun went into was a very expensive clothing store . Seokmin couldn't stop her because it was making her happy.

Jaeun was to busy looking at clothes and not even paying attention to Seokmin who was following her while saying 'I hope you have enough money to pay for that' but she just ignored him.

Once Jaeun was done picking her clothes she went up to Seokmin "okay I'm done" and handed Seokmin the clothes that probably cost over a hundred dollars.

He sighed and went up to the cash register . "The total is $839 sir" the cashier said and Seokmins eyes widen . He looked at Jaeun who pretended she wasn't paying attention but Seokmin wasn't stupid . "Aren't you gonna pitch in at least a little bit?" He asked and Jaeun pretended to not hear and walk away.

Seokmin was angry . He's not dumb, he knows when he's being used.

To not start anything he just paid for the clothes.

He gave Jaeun the bag and she smiled while hugging him . But Seokmin wasn't in the mood for her shit anymore.

They stopped at the food court to get something to eat . Jaeun sat down at a table while texting away, god knows who she's texting.

"Aren't you gonna come and get your food?" Seokmin asked but Jaeun didn't even look up at him . "Yeah yeah just get me the usual" she said still having her eyes glued to the phone . "Well I need some money to go pay for it" Seokmin said getting annoyed at his girlfriend . "Money? Don't you make millions? Stop lying and go get me something Seokmin" She said in a sassy tone.

Seokmin was irritated to the max . He doesn't like to be used for his money and that's exactly what was happening.

He went back to the table and said "actually let's eat at home, Jisoo can make us something". he loved Jisoo cooking, just thinking about it Made him smile but the girls face turned into disgust "ugh I don't like his cooking" she said while texting away again.

Seokmin was beyond pissed she uses me for money know she's talking shit about my butler? Jisoo is a nice person she's such a bitch

Seokmin didn't know why he got so angry at what Jaeun said about Jisoo . Maybe it was just because Jisoo is a close friend.

He held in his anger and got up . "come on I'm tired let's go home" he said but the girl pouted "wait can we go to that new makeup store before we go" she said cutely but Seokmin didn't give a flying fuck "no it's getting late" he said coldly and the girl looked angry.

"Give me your card then , I'll go by Myself" she said while holding out her hand . Is she serious Seokmin thought.

The male was irritated and just walked past her . Like a dog; she followed him all the way back to the car.

The car ride had a lot of negative tension . Seokmin was beyond pissed at his girlfriend but he didn't want to cause a scene at the mall.

Seokmin got out of the car not caring about his gold digger girlfriend.

Jisoo heard the front door open ugh I have to see them again . He sighed and went To greet his master politely.

But when Jisoo was about to walk up he saw Seokmins angered face actually, it was more than anger.

He walked passed Jisoo not even glancing at him.

A few moments later Jaeun came in

He tried to greet her properly but it was cut off by her throwing shopping bags at Jisoo "put these in the master bedroom" she said harshly . "Aren't you going to the master bedroom?" Jisoo asked because it really didn't make sense. "Are you talking back to me? How rude" she said while rolling her eyes and texting on her phone.

"I was just asking a ques-" he was cut off by a slap in the face from Jaeun . "DONT YOU EVER TALK BACK TO ME AGAIN , WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE (rap boi hong) ? YOUR JUST A USELESS BUTLER!!" She yelled into Jisoo face.

All the boy could do was just stand there and get yelled at until he heard another voice from behind him.

"Get out Jaeun" Seokmin said coldly . She looked shocked "w-what" she mumbled . "Get out, how many times do I have to say it," Seokmin said his voice raising louder.

"What are you talking about babe?" She said while walking to him and hugging him but Seokmin pushed her off . "Don't babe me, first you use me for my money then hit my butler for doing nothing? You're being a total bitch right now so you need to leave" Seokmin said sternly, shocking both Jaeun and Jisoo.

"Fine don't expect me to come back," she said and Seokmin rolled his eyes "I didn't ask you too," he said and Jisoo let out a giggle.

Jaeun noticed and forcefully pushed Jisoo which made him fall onto the hard marble floor.

Seokmin grabbed her by the wrist and pushed her out the house and locked the door.

He quickly ran to Jisoo who was on the ground clearly in pain . "are you okay Jisoo?" He asked and the other just nodded and tried to get up.

He couldn't , the pain was intolerable . "Stop don't move I'll help you," Seokmin said and picked up Jisoo bridal style.

Jisoo face was burning and his heart felt like it wanted to burst out of his chest.

His thoughts were cut off by the amount of pain on his body.

He winced in pain and wrapped his arms around Seokmin with Jisoo not even noticing his own actions.

Seokmin can admit he was a bit flustered at the older actions but it wasn't the time for that.

He opened his bedroom and set Jisoo gently on his bed.

He ran downstairs quickly and got as many ice packs as he could.

He got into the room and he noticed a tear escaping the elders eyes . Poor boy that push must've really hurt him.

Jisoo hasn't eaten in days so his body was really frail . All he did was get up for work then go to sleep.

Seokmin approached him slowly . He sat next to Jisoo who was tearing a little bit.

Seokmin wiped his tears with his thumb . Seokmin doesn't know why this made him flustered . He did it to a lot of people but he never felt like this.

On the other hand, Jisoo was too much in pain to even realize what was happening.

"Where does it hurt?" Seokmin asked and Jisoo pointed at his leg and his rib cage.

Seokmin gently pressed the ice packs in the wounded areas.

He felt Jisoo relax in his touch . Seokmin found it satisfying how the older just melted in his touch.

I'm tired

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