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Seokmin woke up first . He looked down and saw the older still sleeping in his arms .

He smiled at the sight .

Seokmins feelings are getting a bit clearer . He now knows that he has a bit of feelings towards Jisoo , just a bit . Time will only tell if that small feeling will turn into something big .

Seokmin missed some days of work but that still didn't stop the business from going down . Seokmin is really smart and dedicated so he knows his way around things .

He can either work from home or go to his actual building .

He decided to work from home because he wanted to stay with Jisoo as much as possible .

His pay may go down but only just a couple of hundreds .

Seokmin decided to start because he knew he had a bunch of work.

He shook Jisoo to wake him up .
"Jisoo , I need to work" Seokmin said quietly .

After a few minutes Jisoo finally woke up . "I'm gonna work in the up stairs office today" Seokmin said while pushing back all the hairs out of a half asleep Jisoos face .

Jisoo was to tired to know what was happening , instead he just rolled over feeling empty without Seokmin wrapped around him.

The younger smiled as he watch the older roll around .

Seokmin eventually left the room to go into his home office .

He sat down and checked his computer and he saw a bunch of emails which he was expecting .

Jisoo was now fully awake . He couldn't stop smiling at what him and Seokmin did friends don't sleep in the same bed and cuddle right? Jisoo thought . Ah he still likes Jaeun he let out a sigh knowing that he will never get the chance .


She didn't have a plan , all she just needed was for Jisoo to be alone so she can make her move , but she didn't know when Seokmin would leave the house and she wasn't planning on watching the house again .

Kidnap? Murder? I don't know which one she thought .

Jaeun is actually crazy , there's no other emotion in her but anger . She wants revenge and it won't be pretty

I'll just have to go see what they're doing

She grabbed her car keys and left


Seokmin was now is his office answering emails and doing what he's suppose to.

Jisoo was also doing his job . cleaning , getting ready for lunch .

Seokmin sigh I'm bored he said to himself . What is Jisoo doing? .

He got up to check on the older because he's curious about what the older does all day .

Jisoo was preparing lunch for Seokmin . It wasn't big , it was just some chicken and rice .

Jisoo was minding his own business and humming a song that was stuck in his head until he felt arms wrap around his waist .

He jumped because it was all of sudden .

He turned around to see Seokmin smiling widely at him .

The older blushed and looked away . "You almost gave me a heart attack" the older said and Seokmin just laughed .

"Your warm" he said while tightening his grip and pulling Jisoo closer .

Shit shit what do I do? Jisoo said to himself . He was freaking out , his heart was gonna pop out of his chest but he still maintained to keep his composure but , Jisoo loved it .

What if he doesn't like this? Am I making him uncomfortable? Seokmin said to himself .

He was getting nervous , he still doesn't know if the older even likes him .

"Are you just gonna stay like this?" Jisoo asked he felt the younger shake his head .

Seokmin wasn't leaving , he liked being this close to the older and he wanted to
Be like this forever .

Jisoo sighed and walked to fridge with Seokmin still wrapped around him .

The had to penguin walk back and forth . Jisoo couldn't stop laughing because they both looked dumb .

Seokmin was enjoying this . He loved the relationship between him and Jisoo could we be more?

Meanwhile Jaeun was watching the whole thing .

Her blood was boiling and she hated what she saw

Don't worry you won't be in his arms anytime soon


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