Never Have I Ever

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Kartik P.O.V
At first I was so startled by naira's actions.
But that's what I wanted. To be with me. And later I just let it go.
Sometimes u have to let it go rather than holding on to it.

After changing into a white shirt, putting on a balckish-blue coat, rolling up the sleeves, wearing a perfect matching black pant, and last but no the least my favorite watch from my Dadi.

After changing into a white shirt, putting on a balckish-blue coat, rolling up the sleeves, wearing a perfect matching black pant, and last but no the least my favorite watch from my Dadi

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And being a gentleman, I come down early.

It is almost time. I am waiting for her. Walking here and there, impatiently when I heard someone's steps.

I didn't look up to see. When that person came so close, I looked into the eyes.
Just want to be lost in those eyes.

They are so beautiful and so breathtaking.
Person: kahan kho Gaye?
Me(dreamingly): tum mein...
Person: what?!
Me(realized): I mean....hi! Naira

And I blasted a bomb.
Naira: knowing that we were going to meet....u even "hi-ed".. sarcastic.

Me: sorry I shouldn't have.
Naira: yeah..

After those awkward conversation. I finally got time to look her properly.

She's dream, but forever mine. I can't take my eyes off her.
My favorite blue color dress.... almost matching mines.
Every color looks perfect on her, as if they were only made for her.

Every color looks perfect on her, as if they were only made for her

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Naira snapped her fingers to break my thoughts..
Naira: a penny for your thoughts.
Kartik: nothing..I was just..btw nice phrase
Naira: it isn't the point..the point is that I've planned a game to unite Aisha and Vickey...
Naira: so..
Kartik: so tell me now.
Naira: yeah.... actually on second thought I should also keep this as a suspense from you too.
Kartik: no way..we have promised that we would tell everything to each other... Speak!
Naira: yes I said that we would, but that doesn't count us in my planning.
Kartik: how's that it doesn't count us? I mean u have planned. If u r counted in it , so am I.

Yes , I am always there and here with u in every event.

Naira: u don't get it...I mean that....just Wait and Watch..

Kartik: I now give up. I've no strength to argue with you anymore.
Naira(acting): now you can conclude audience that I have won and this person (pointing towards kartik) is the loser. Thank u. Thank u.
And both burst in laugh.
Kartik: u r such a drama queen..
Naira: only queen.
Kartik: my queen!

Okay, what did I speak?!
She might me uncomfortable..did u have to say this word?

Naira: okay...then...we...
Kartik: y..e...a..h..
Naira: okay then.....bye...see you in an ...hour..
Kartik: see ya..

Yes she is. She is uncomfortable. I am sure because of this awkward conversation.

Okay so what have been done.. let's not focus on it kartik.

P.O.V ended

Naira: is everyone here?!
Everyone: yes! Can we start now?
Naira: sure.
Adi: but are we doing?
Naira: it's a game called never have I ever.
Shuweta: sounds good! I how it's gonna be fun...
Rohan: the game is so common , however, naira has always new things so I can guess it's fun.
Naira: yes and I have added some different stuff also and they are....if a person says I have never to the question that is asked should do it on the spot. Got it?!
Maira: hmm..... means u r a wizard right now!
Naira: as always...
YoYo: I am not interested in this
Maira: plz...
YoYo: only for you.
Maira: I love you.
YoYo: love you too...

Kartik: we shall be continuing.
Naira: okay.
Kartik: btw who will ask?
Naira: there'll be a bottle in between...the one the open side points will be the candidate and the one the end part points will be the examiner.
Vickey: sounds like u r really in the mood to give the exams right now!
Naira: well I'm prepared.

Shivanya: okay so the first candidate is Shuweta and the examiner is Maira.
Shuweta: plz go easy on me..🙇🙏
Maira: hmm...have you ever threw a glass of water on someone?
Shuweta: I have ..... Never
Maira: well you have to do...ummm...adi..hi!
Adi: why it has to be me... it's even so cold.
Maira: that's why
Adi: you are so evil.
Shuweta: but I'll enjoy it...

Shuweta held a glass of cold water.
Adi: plz on clothes.
And shoot it on his face.
Adi: haw haw haw... that's so cold...
Everyone burst into laugh.
Adi: u r so bad shuweta.
Shuweta: you deserve it.

Naira: okay now Shivanya...and who is it..
Kartik: YoYo.
Shivanya: okay...
YoYo: have you ever kissed someone?
Rohan: umm... that's a personal question.
Shivanya: I have.
Naira: whom?
Shivanya: Rohan.
Kartik: Rohan! Have you gone that much far?
Shivanya: no only on cheeks...(blushing)
Naira: why are you blushing?
Shivanya: I'll slap you.

Naira: okay so Vickey have you ever proposed someone?
Kartik (to only naira... whispering): what r u up to?
Naira: shhh
Naira: hn...have you?
Vickey: I have never!

And before saying something else by someone , he stood up and marched towards Aisha.

Bent down and held her hand.
Vickey: I'm sorry... I know I'm late...bit what's better late than never. I was so stupid at that time; couldn't understand your love, care , respect for me and I was just thinking that if I talked to you then I would be barking up at the wrong tree....I love you.
I love you Aisha. I was just blessing on disguise. I love you.

For a moment ,there was a serious environment.
Aisha: okay... it's now finished. You can stand up. I know it's just a game rule that you have to propose if u haven't before.
Vickey: it's true. I love you.
Aisha: u r joking right?
Vickey: I know it's hard for you to believe ,but that's the truth. I love you.

AishA: I love you too.

Naira: there's a table at the opposite of this can go there and enjoy. It's far from here. None will disturb you.

Both left.

Kartik: you were sure that this is gonna happen?
Naira: yes.
Kartik: and if not...your settings would have gone in Pani. You know don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched.
Naira: I know, but if they didn't agree then I would have done something else that would definitely make them go there.
Kartik: okay... manipulation. Manipulate me to go and sit there.
Naira: okay, but if you go there and sit there, I'll be able to manipulate you to come here.

Kartik: okay.
And he goes and sit there.
Kartik: now what?
Naira: did you just realise that I manipulated you to go and sit?
Kartik: beauty WID brains.
Naira: 😋

Naira: you two finally came...did you see the time?
Vickey: no.
Naira: it's 2 of the next day.
Aisha: I just realized that a person, when in love, doesn't care about the time. It's the moment to be cared.
Naira: That's deep.
Vickey: I'm so touched. Okay bye I have to sleep. Bye Naira.bye love.
Naira+Aisha: bye.
Aisha:okay I guess I have to sleep also. Bye
Naira: bye
Vickey: I've gotta a plan Kartik!
Kartik: what?
Okay so this is long of about 1222 words. Sorry for being late.

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