Only You and Me💕💓

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Sleep was far away from them. Twisting and Turning on the bed. Well, how could they sleep? They were so deep in their world, their memories, their time. Both thinking about each other , made them go to the terrace.

Both were looking at the beautiful sky, beautiful moon.
Seeing each other's faces in the moon. The moon was the brightest after.

Kartik's P.O.V
If only we were somewhere alone, maybe in the forest or near a lake or at mountains, watching the sky,moon and stars together. Hand in hand. Together forever.

Naira's P.O.V
It's so quiet here. Wish we were together somewhere alone. Away from the hatred....where only love exists, where there's only u and I and our love, where there's sun and moon and stars that declares my infinite love for kaira forever. If only I could tell u that I have realized my feelings and that i love you. But it's all too late now because u now love someone else. That heartbeat and breaths inside u is for someone else. Someone else now own ur heart. But still I had loved u, am loving u and will love u....forever.

Both went inside their rooms and sat on the bed ,thinking ,when their destiny will take a loving turn?
Naira was feeling thirsty so went out to kitchen.
Kartik decided to walk a few rounds in the lounge only to get the sleep back. So he went and started walking. He heard some voices and turned his head towards...from where the voices were coming. He found out it's naira drinking water from the bottle.
He just stared and while staring an idea stroke his mind...and without planning further he just moved towards her.

She saw him so close and was confused upon seeing his smiley face and saying nothing.
She lifted her eyebrows to question him what he wants? And he just smiles. She again lifts up but no response except his smile. She gets an idea and says,"I got married yesterday." "Wait, what?!"he came to his senses."Just kidding. What happened to you? I was questioning u past 5 mins. Where were u lost? And why are u awake?And-" She was cut off by kartik's finger on her lips to stop her questions. And for the time, both were looking in their eyes and kartik was sometimes staring her lips. They were dead close. Breaths mingling. Both were staring their eyes and lips.
And in between kartik spoke,"You know what does each kiss means? If someone kisses on the forehead: they're cute together. If on cheeks: they're friends. If on hand: he/she adores u. If on neck: he/she wants you. If on shoulder:he /she is perfect. If on lips:......" "I love u," she completed.

He so wanted to hear that from her.

" I mean if on lips then .....he/she loves u. It's just that."She hated herself for correcting her wrong on what she wanted to say and he wanted to hear.

A minute silent,but before it could get long.....naira kissed him on his forehead and cheeks in a flow. He was shocked, but after coming to senses flowers were blooming inside him. Fireworks, crackers lit up inside him.
A smile flourished on his face, while she just blushed and saw him. He stated,"Well, this is also my first time. None kissed me.And I never let that happen.(Cause I know that it's only your right and no one can steal it. Not even me~he said inside his heart)"

Again a minute silence. " You only wanted to say that?" She asked. He replied," I wanted u to go with me on a long drive. Only u and me. Actually I couldn't sleep." " Me too. I can't sleep. I'll just put on my shoes and we'll head.""Okay then, I'll just bring my Jeep and-""Jeep! That's great." Naira ran in excitement while Kartik laughed on her cute antics.

"Ready?" " Oh, yes!" He drove off.

Between the drive, naira asked,"But where are we heading to?" " I, myself don't know. I mean I know the place , but not it's name," he replied childishly. "Mendak...." She stated and he felt so good. After so long, he heard that from her. He felt like up in the 7th sky. Like head over heels.

Naira stood up on the seat and was enjoying the flowing wind. Her hair were playing with the wind and Kartik was simply adoring her. She had her eyes shut only to inhale all the loving air, away from all the dirt and hatred of the world. All alone by theirself. the drive was quite and peaceful, none could do anything. None could become an obstacle. Suddenly, the car had a broke down and an immediate break caused standing naira fell over kartik's lap.

They didn't realize when their eyes met and had a longing eyelock. Their faces were so close, breaths again mingling, heartbeat again increasing. The sensation of being so close sent shivers down the spine. Their eyes were being so stubborn that an hour itself went by. Their eyelock was broken when something fell down. Maybe something metallic. They realised their position and sat back to their place. It took them a minute to realise that his car has broke down. He got down, opened the bonnet and tried to fix the car. While naira got down and went at the back of jeep to find out what was that thing. It was a pry bar. She put it back and went to the front to what is taking kartik so long?

"What happened?" "I can't guess, but i can only notify that my car has broe down."

"Amazing, Kartik Goenka. You're so intelligent. I must say you are very talented,"she clapped and smiled sarcastically. "Okay , this is too much. I know i'm being lame. And before judging me, if u r talented u must have been now got the problem. Right?" She smiled and searched all,"There, the oil filler cap is open and that's why the oil has came out." "Oh, u r talented but u don't look like." "Okay enough of this. Do u have oil?" "Hair oil?" "Just stop being lame." "okay,"he went smiling and brought the oil. Naira filled it up, closed the cap making sure it won't open again and went to her seat.

The drive was back on the track.

Naira felt sleepy and while staring kartik , she dozed off. Kartik saw her sleeping, smiled and was driving.

"Naira. Naira . Naira,"he called her . She woke up after 5th time. "We have reached." Naira cleared her eyes and saw the most beautiful sight she has never seen.

" Naira cleared her eyes and saw the most beautiful sight she has never seen

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"It's so beautiful. I have never seen this before. Thank u,"she hugged him. Not that he brought her here, but beacause he promised to fulfill her dreams, because he's special for her, because he's her, and because he's always beside her no matter what the situation is.

He hugged her back and smiled that she's back . His sherni, his love, his life is back and he loves him t the infinty. He loves her with a love that shall not die....till the Sun grows cold and the Stars grow old.

She broke the hug, kissed him on the cheeks and ran into the water. He was not shocked to his sherni like this but was simply adoring her from afar...she was looking cute while playing with water. He has never seen a grown-up acting like a child. But he still loves her, not from outside but from her soul.

She called him to come, but he refused. And she being sherni, dragged him into the water. They played and while playing Kartik lifted her and brought themselves out of the water before they get fully drenched. They sat on the sand. Naira seetles her head on hi shoulders. Hands in hands, holdig so tight because they still have a doubt ; might their destiny again seperate them.

Both wanted this time alone. Resting their heads upon eachother and rewinding their past beautiful memories, spent together as kaira.

"I told u. The place where only u and me." "Yes, only u and me."

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