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Fergal's POV

"Where the fuck is your wife?"

I asked Sami asked as I slammed him against the wall.

"She's in her dressing room, why?"

"I'm gonna fucking kill her."

I said as I let go of Sami's shirt and went towards Sasha's dressing room. When I got there, I pounded on the door.

"Sasha Banks open this fucking door right now!"

I yelled. Then she opened the door and stepped into the doorway.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

I asked her.

"I don't have one."

"Then why are you trying to break Pam and I up?"

I asked her. Then an evil smile spread across her face.

"So you've talked to Pam?"

"Yeah, I've talked to Pam. Why the fuck are you doing this?"

"You don't deserve her Fergal. All you do is hurt her and I'm sick of having to hold my best friend when you fucking hurt her! And it's not even when you hurt her. She calls me all the time when you're on tour, in tears because she misses you! Sure, she might tell you she's fine but she's fucking breaking down every time you leave and you know that's not good for either of your precious Pamela or Gabriella. You care more about your match next week for the title then you do about her and Gabriella! You know it's fucking true!"

"It's not true! I love my wife and I love my kids, especially Gabriella. Pam and I talk all the time and you don't need to be putting this shit into her brain! So many different people are telling her so many things no wonder the poor thing is scared when I leave for the weekend!"

"Then fucking leave her!"

"I'm not leaving my wife! I'm never leaving my wife again! You know, Pam doesn't deserve any of this. Pam loves you, Sasha. You're suppose to be her best friend and look at what you're doing to her. You're the one breaking her down. What a fucking shitty friend you are."

I said as I turned and walked away.

Pamela's POV

"Do you want me to try and call Dad again?"

Chloe asked as she rubbed my lower back again.


Was all I could get out in between sobs. My back felt like a million tiny needles were going into it and it's not like Fergal was helping matters.

"Is there anything I can do?"

Chloe asked. What would I do without my kids?

"Call your Grandma Devitt. I think I'm going to need her to take me to the hospital. This is getting just pure unbearable now."

I said as I sat up. Thank god Fergal's Parents came back to town a couple weeks ago to help us out in emergencies like this. I threw my head back as Gabriella started kicking again.

"You are not helping matters, little one."

I said as I ran my hand over my bump. I wanted, no needed Fergal here. But he still hasn't called me back so...who knows what's going on?

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