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*Rosalie's POV*

I got out of the car and smiled at the sunny California air. "Damn I've always wanted to live here!" August smiled and looked around.
"Too bad the reason," I mumbled and went to the back of the car. I opened the trunk up and got out my suitcase. We have been planning this move with our parents  for a bit now. They had the house picked out and everything. Before my mother passed she had gotten it all paid off and furnished for us to go live there... Now we get the house and we get to live here. "Let's go," Chase laughed and messed my hair up.
"Donnttt!" I whined and fixed it again. I took my suitcase into the house. It wasn't huge but it was definitely an upgrade from our small two bedroom house in Michigan. In his house there is four rooms. My parents, Chase and May's room, August's room, and mine. The basement is also finished so there is a couch down there and a bunch of other things. There is a bathroom upstairs and downstairs. My parents room would've been downstairs on the first floor. We aren't sure what to do with that room just yet... "This house if fucking amazing!!" August exclaimed, jogging back downstairs to get more luggage. I was the only one not so excited to move. It was a big change. Change and I don't get along. I have a hard time with change. It not something I'm good at dealing with. I went upstairs to the room I had claimed when we first decided on the house, when my father and mother were still around. I put the suitcase on the floor next to the full size bed. I went back downstairs and to the car. I saw that across the street there was three boys playing basketball in the drive way. Two of them were light skinned and the other boy wasn't. I went back to helping them carry the things into the house seeing the U-Haul came as well with the rest of the things.

*Will's POV*

"Who's moving in across the street?" I asked, passing the ball over to LiAngelo.
"No idea, but it looks like a girl," Melo smirked.
"Nigga stop!" LiAngelo teased him. I laughed a bit and shook my head. I shot a three point and laughed a little bit. "It's a family," I laughed, "I'm sure my mom will make us go over there to introduce ourselves," I laughed.
"Yeah but now you're living across the street from a smoking hot girl," Melo nudged my shoulders.
"Dude!" I laughed harder and shook my head, "True though." Us three all laughed. "I'm sure we will meet them when school starts in a few weeks," Melo nodded, dunking the basketball into the hoop.
"Yeah that's true," I agreed with him.
"I'll be at UCLA," Gelo laughed, "But I could also care less I have me a lady."
"Lady?" Melo teased, "Nigga she nun but a-"
"Say lil bro I dare you!" Gelo warned and Melo just laughed hard. I laughed as well and shook my head at them. My mom came outside with a smile on her face. "Let's go introduce ourselves to the new neighbors!" she told us three.
"I told y'all," I set the basketball in the grass and we all walked over to the house. They finished moving stuff in by now. My mother knocked on the door and we all waited for an answer. Not too much later one of the guys opened the door. "Hello I'm Mallory and this is my son Will and his friends LiAngelo and LaMelo," he pointed us all out.
"I'm Chase," the boy said, "Guys!! Get down here!" he called out. Down came the girl, followed by a boy that looked really similar to her. After them was the other girl. "This is my girlfriend May," he pointed the girl out, "And my brother and sister, Rosalie and August," he pointed the girl and the boy who looked liked her.
"Are your parents here?" my mom asked.
"No they um," Chase started.
"They died," Rosalie interrupted and shrugged.
"Oh my! I'm so sorry for your loss!" my mom sighed.
"It's okay," Chase nodded.
"How old are you guys?" my mom asked, looking at the four kids in the doorway.
"Rosalie and I are 16," August told us. Yes... They are 16 too. "I'm 21 and May is 21," Chase nodded.
"Well if you guys need anything I'm just across the street," my mom nodded.
"Yo you guys play basketball??" August asked.
"Yeah you do?" Melo asked.
"Yeah I love basketball!" he nodded. I saw Rosalie go to walk away. "Aye Rosalie!" I called and she turned back around to look at me. I smiled over at her, receiving one back. "Umm if you need someone to hang out with I'm just across the street," he nodded, "If you need help too. Like unpacking or anything."
"I'm good, but thank you," she nodded. I could tell she was upset... I don't know why but I didn't want her to be upset.

*LaMelo's POV*

I watched as Rosalie walked away. She was so hot. "Good move," I laughed and patted Will's chest. We all walked away and August came with us to play basketball. "So y'all twins?" I asked.
"Yeah we are," August nodded.
"Well your sister is hot," I laughed and picked the basketball up.
"Ew dude," August laughed, "What the fuck?"
"I'm just being honest," I laughed and threw the basketball to him, "Let's see what you got nigga." He stepped back and shot the basketball into the hoop, not hitting the rim or anything. "Damn white boy got buckets," I laughed a little bit. I looked across the street and saw through the window Rosalie was walked around, unpacking I think. Damn I need to have her...

I hope you like this story! I'm going to be switching POV's kind of a bit so I hope it doesn't get confusing or messy.

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