Bro's Before Hoe's

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*Rosalie's POV*

Tonight is homecoming and I'm really excited for it. I haven't really been to a dance or a homecoming with a guy before. I would always just tag along with August and his friends. The homecoming football game is also tonight, before the dance. There is about an hour or two between the game and the dance. Will invited me to come with him to the game and I agreed to it, Miah and August are coming as well.

"Here babe," Will handed me his Chino Hills hoodie and I put it on. I followed him down to the football field and held his hand. "You wanna go get some food at the concessions first?" August asked.
"Sure," we agreed. I followed Will to the stand and we all ordered our food. Will paid for mine and August paid for Miah's. I smiled bigger and thanked Will and we walked back to the bleachers. We found a spot and sat down. I sat between Miah and Will. I started to eat my pretzel as the game started. I wasn't big into football but I knew August was so I knew some things from watching the games with him. I put my head on Will's shoulder and watched the game. Miah and I were going to leave at 4th quarter to go get ready for the dance.

"Alright should we get going?" Miah asked. I nodded and stood up. "Alright babe I'm going to go get ready, I'll see you at 7:30?" I looked at Will.
"Yes," he kissed my cheek and smiled at me. I followed Miah off the bleachers and back up to the cars. I got into Miah's car and buckled up. "Ready to get glammed??" she asked, giggling.
"Let's do this!" I laughed, smiling. Miah drove us to her house and she pulled into the driveway. We both got out and I grabbed my dress out of the back. I followed her inside and hung my dress on her door. I sat down and Miah laid all her makeup out. She turned on a playlist and it played through the speakers. We both started to do our makeup as we sang along to the songs that played.

Miah did my hair in a half up half down bun and curled the rest of it. She sat in the chair I was in and I started on her hair. I did two waterfall braids on each side of her head. With her curly hair they looked beautiful. "I love them!" she smiled, looking in the mirror.
"Me too!" I agreed, "I really love my hair."
"Good!" she smiled. I checked the time and it was about 7 now. "Shall we get dressed?" she smiled at me.
"Let's do it," I giggled. I grabbed my dress out of the bag and smiled bigger. I put it on and my heels on as well. Miah changed into her dress and then put her heels on. She turned around to show me. "August is going to love it," I giggled.
"You think so?" she smiled at me.
"I know so," I nodded and smiled bigger.
"You look gorgeous too!" she nodded.
"Thank you," I smiled. We went downstairs and her mom got a bunch of pictures of us. In no time there was a knock on the door. Miah opened it and Will and August were there. Will had on a nice pair of blue jeans with a button up shirt on. August had black jeans on with a button up, that had a bow on it. "Woww look at you," I smiled at Will.
"Look at me?" he shook his head, "Look at you." He smiled bigger. I gave him a hug and then Miah's mom got more pictures of us all together. We took pictures for a good 15 minutes and then we went out to Will's car. I sat in the front while Miah and August got in the back together. Will drove us back to the school, where the dance was at.

The dance was really fun. They played good music and Miah, August, Will, and I all danced around and had a lot of fun. Will danced with me during the slow songs as well. It was a really good time. "I'm going to get a water," I told Will.
"Okay," he smiled. I walked out of the gym and out to the hallway. I went and got a water from the table and paid for it. I went to walk back into the gym but someone stopped me. I turned around and saw it was LaMelo. "What Melo?" I sighed, "I'm kind of busy."
"Come with me," he took me down the hallway and pushed me against the lockers gently. Then he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I tried not to kiss back but there was something about him I couldn't resist. I kissed back... He pulled away, "You do miss me too."
"Well yeah but you cheated and I don't forgive that," I shrugged and pushed him away gently, "I'm with Will."
"Yeah well you kissed back," he told m.
"Well YOU kissed ME," I shrugged, "Who do you think Will is going to believe?"
"I'm his best friend," he told me, "Bro's before hoe's." Melo walked away and into the gym. I followed after him. "Melo don't!" I warned, but he ignored me and went up to Will anyways. He started to talk to Will and by the time I caught up it was too late. "You kissed Melo!?" Will looked at me hurt.
"No! He kissed me!" I sighed.
"No you kissed me," Melo laughed, "I'm sorry but I had to tell him I know you said to keep it our secret but."
"What the hell?!" Will looked at me.
"I didn't kiss him!!" I sighed.
"How can I trust you?" Will shrugged, "You got with me right after you and LaMelo broke up..."
"Really?" I sighed, "Whatever."
"Bro's before hoe's," Melo shrugged and walked away with Will. I stood there and watched as they walked away. I looked over at Miah and August. "I didn't kiss him..." I sighed.

LaMelo, LaMelo, LaMelo....

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