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*Rosalie's POV*

"Umm," I looked at him, "Trying to fix what you ruined for me."
"How'd it go?" he laughed a little bit.
"Really good LaMelo," I sighed and looked at him, "You cant keep two people together for your selfish reasons. Let me go LaMelo. You had your chance and I'm not going to get back together with you so give it up, please." He just looked at me for a second and it got quiet. "Whatever," he walked past me and knocked on the door. I shook my head and walked across the road, back to my house. I shut the door behind me and smiled small. It felt good to get that off my chest for once. I've been holding that in for awhile now. I smiled went upstairs and got my stuff together for a shower. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, listening to music. I got out and dried off. I put on one of my dads old hoodies and a pair of shorts. I dried my hair out with a towel and let the rest air dry. I went out and back into my room. I laid down in my bed and listened to music. I glanced over at Will's drive way every couple minutes, waiting for Melo to leave.

Finally Melo left and it was about 9PM. I got my phone out and texted Will.

Goodnight babe. I'll see you tomorrow okay baby?

See you tomorrow B. Goodnight

I put my phone down on the table and cuddled into my blankets, closing my eyes. I heard my door open an I looked over at it. August walked in and shut the door. He laid down by me and sighed cuddling into me. I turned around and cuddled back into him. "You okay?" I asked. He shook his head and just cuddled me. "Me either," I whispered, cuddling him closer.

I woke up the next morning and stood up. I rubbed my eyes and turned the alarm off. August got up and went out to his room. I stood up and got ready for the day. I tried a little harder today because I'm going to Will's for dinner and I'm nervous cause he never really invited me over a dinner with his parents before. The only time I have August, May, and Chase were there as well. I finished getting ready.

I went downstairs and sat down at the table

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I went downstairs and sat down at the table. May handed me a plate of food and I saw Chase wasn't there. "Where is Chase?" I asked, starting to eat.
"He didn't sleep till late last night. He's still asleep upstairs," she nodded, "He had a rough night.
"Our mom?" I asked and she nodded. I sighed a little bit and ate my food. "Us too," I told her.

The bus got there and we got on. No one said anything to me anymore. I smiled small and leaned back on the seat as we drove to the last couple stops. The bus dropped us off at the school and we all got off. I followed August inside and to my locker, where Miah was already there. She turned around and hugged August first, kissing on his lips. "Umm," I coughed, looking at her. She pulled away giggling and gave me a hug too. "Sorrry," she giggled.
"it's fine," I laughed and pulled away from her. I got my books out of my locker as those two talked. Then he walked away to get his things. "So Will and I have been talking again," I whispered to her, "But we keeping it lowkey so I don't want anyone else to know but you and August."
"Oh okay," she smiled, "Good though. You guys deserve to be together."
"I know I'm going there for dinner tonight," I giggled, "he invited me over."
"Woww," she giggled, "Good luck!"
"Thanks I'll need it," I laughed.

I set my book bag on my bed and fixed my hair and makeup. I went back downstairs and smiled at Chase. "I'm going to go Will's for dinner if that's okay," I smiled at him.
"Umm yeah but tomorrow I want you home," he told me.
"I will," I nodded and smiled at him. I hugged him tight and sighed. "We are all having a hard time," I sighed. He hugged back and nodded at me. I pulled away and put my shoes back on. "I'll see you later," I waved at him and walked out. I jogged across the street to Will's house. I knocked on the door and waited a little bit. Will opened the door and smiled at me. "Hey," he smiled and let me in. I walked in and too my shoes off. "C'mon," he took me upstairs smiling. I followed behind him and took his hand. We sat on his bed and I cuddled into his chest. "What's for dinner?" I asked, smiling at him.
"Umm I think we are having spaghetti," he told me.
"Oh okay," I nodded, smiling at him.
"And garlic bread," he chuckled.
"Mm I like garlic bread," I giggled
"Me too," he chuckled and nodded. He put his arm around me and held me closer. I cuddled into his chest and smiled bigger at him. We cuddled and watched our favorite TV show until his mom called us down. We both got up and I followed him downstairs. I sat down next to him the table and smiled at his parents. We got our plates and sat back down. We all started eating and talking and I felt so comfortable around them. They made me feel so at home. "You're so lucky to have your mom," I looked at Will and smiled small.
"Yeah I know," he smiled.
"I'm sorry for what happened to yours," his mom looked at me, sighing.
"It's okay," I nodded, "it happened for a reason."
"You're right," she smiled at me.
"Her birthday is next week and everyone at my house is pretty down right now so it's nice to be over here where everyone is happier," I laughed a little.
"Well you're welcome here any time," she smiled at me, "You're with Will and I can tell you're going to be together for awhile. I like you." I smiled at her and nodded, looking at Will.
"I think we are going to be together for awhile too," I agreed with her.

So cuteee. I ship them soo much oh my lorddd. Do you think Melo is going to back off?
Also this story is almost overrr. So should I do a Kuzma or Jaylen Hands book after??

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