Costume Day

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*Rosalie's POV*

"So what are you going to wear tomorrow?" Miah asked me as we were on FaceTime.
"Umm I don't know, why?" I asked, laughing a little bit.
"Tomorrow is the start of homecoming week!" she laughed.
"Oh didn't know that," I laughed, shaking my head.
"Yeah well tomorrow is character day," she told me, "I know LaMelo is going to dress up as a basketball player and I'm pretty sure Jace is going as superman."
"What are you going as?" I asked.
"I was thinking of going as pebbles from the Flintstones," she giggled.
"Oh that would be so cute," I laughed, "Let me google something and see if August will go as something with me."
"Oh my god yes!" she squealed. I put her on pause and went to my safari. I googled some ideas and scrolled through the pictures to find something for us to do. "August get in here!!" I yelled for him. I heard him groan and walked in. "What?" he laughed.
"Tomorrow is character day, will you dress up with me??" I smiled at him.
"Depends what it is," he laughed, sitting down on the bed.
"And we get like judged and there is winners and prizes but nobody know what they are. Like last year first place got a like a free day so they didn't have to come to school," Miah told us.
"You taking to Miah?" August asked.
"Yes," I laughed and sat by him, showing him the picture ideas, "But that's cool. We gotta win cause not going to school sounds great."
"Right!" Miah laughed a little. We looked through till we found the perfect outfits. August walked out and I checked my closet for the outfit. I got it all set out and ready for tomorrow. "What are you going to be??" she asked.
"You'll have to wait till tomorrow," I giggled and smiled at her, "I gotta go shower now. I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you then," she laughed and blew me a kiss as I hung up the FaceTime call. I set my phone on my bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

The next morning I got up to my alarm. I turned it off and stood up. I went to the bathroom and washed my face and got ready. I put my outfit on and went downstairs. "Is that your costume??" May asked, smiling at me.
"Yes, does it look okay??" I smiled at her.
"It looks sooo cute!" she nodded and smiled at me. I got myself something to eat and I sat down at the table. "August hurry up!!!" I yelled up to August.
"I'm coming!!" he laughed. I shook my head, laughing a little bit. I finished eating my breakfast. August came down and I squealed. "Yes!" I giggled, "You look adorable!"
"I have never been so comfy," he laughed and shook his head.
"Let's get a picture," Chase smiled at me. I posed with August as Chase took a few pictures of us. I looked through them and decided to post one of them before we had to go to school.

@Rosalieee03 Character day!🤣 Boo👑and Sully💙

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@Rosalieee03 Character day!🤣 Boo👑and Sully💙

I tagged August in it and I grabbed my book bag. "Let's go," August smiled at me. We walked out to the end of the drive way and waited for our bus to get here. Will was already gone, his car wasn't there anyways.

Once we got to school just about everyone was dressed up as something. I went to my locker and saw Miah there, getting her books out. "Oh my gosh look how cute you look!" I told her.

(Miah's costume^)

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(Miah's costume^)

She turned around and squealed.
"Where's August?!" she asked.
"At his locker," I giggled and showed her the pictures of us this morning.
"That is adorable!" she told me.
"I know right," I giggled, "You look great!" I told her smiling bigger. I got my books out and saw Will walking up. He was dressed up as a mouse. He had on a grey hoodie with grey sweatpants on. He had on a pair of mouse ears and had drawn on whiskers. "You look so damn cute," I walked up to him giggling.
"Don't I?" he laughed and smiled down at me. I smiled up at him and giggled. "What?" he laughed. I shook my head and kisses his cheek. "I'll see you after class," I smiled at him.
"See you then," he gave me a hug and walked past me. I followed Miah to our class. "Umm what was that about?!" she squealed and looked at me.
"What?" I giggled and sat down at my desk.
"That little moment you two had!" she told me.
"Nothing," I shook my head and smiled at her, "I swear!"
"Bull shit," she told me and raised her eyebrow.
"I don't know," I shrugged, "Maybe I kinda like him."
"What about LaMelo?" she asked.
"You know what happened," I shrugged.
"But don't you still have feelings for him?" she asked.
"Well yeah but I mean like he obviously doesn't so there's no point in crying over him," I shrugged.
"That's true," she told me. The bell rang again, meaning class was starting. I got my notebook out as the teacher started to talk. All I could think about was Will though, he just looked so cute today...

*Will's POV*

"Did you see Rosalie's outfit with August?" I asked LaMelo.
"I saw it on Instagram," he nodded.
"Didn't she look cute??" I smiled at him.
"Yeah," he chuckled a little bit.
"What did Ashley dress as?" I asked.
"Some Disney princess," he laughed a bit and sat at his desk. I sat down by him, in my desk. "Have you talked to Rosalie since what happened?"
"No," he shook his head, "She will get over it though."
"She already did," I laughed.
"She did? How do you know?" he looked at me, furrowing his eyebrows.
"We talked," I lied, kind of. I mean we talked but we did a little more than just talked... "Oh," he nodded, "So you guys cool then?"
"We never weren't," I laughed.
"Just figured she would've been mad if she found out you knew about Ashley and I," he shrugged.
"She didn't care," I told him.
"Did you even tell her?" he asked.
"Yes," I nodded. See I told her, but I told her I didn't know they were having sex. I knew cause Melo bragged about it to me and a few other guys on the team but she doesn't need to know that...

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