It's Just High School

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*Rosalie's POV*

Miah's mom picked us up from the dance early. The mood was ruined after what happened. Will and Melo stayed and chilled with their group of friends. I sat in the backseat with August and put my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and sighed. "Why you guys coming home so early?" her mom asked as she drove us back to her house.
"Mood was ruined I guess," Miah shrugged, "Wasn't a lot of fun."
"Oh that stinks," he mom shook her head.
"Yeah," I sighed.

We pulled up to Miah's house and got out. We walked inside and up to Miah's room. "So what really happened?" Miah asked, sitting on the bed. I sat down next to her and August stood. "I went and got a drink like I said and Melo stopped me before I could come back to the gym. He took me to the hallway, where no one was and kissed me. I did kiss back," I sighed, "I couldn't help it there's still left over feelings for him. We just broke up like a month ago."
"I understand," Miah nodded, "The way Melo told us was that you took him to the hallway and told him you missed him and wanted him then kissed him and wouldn't let him pull away."
"I didn't believe that for a second," August shook his head, "I know you."
"I know," I sighed, "What am I going to do?"
"I don't know," Miah sighed, "You're going to have to talk to Will tomorrow and then it's up to Will on who he believes."
"You're right," I agreed with her. I stood up and took my jewelry off and my makeup. I took my hair down and brushed through my hair. I threw it up into a messy bun and sat down. "This was supposed to be such a good night," I sighed a little bit, "Sorry I ruined it for you guys too."
"It's fine you didn't," Miah shook her head, "The dance was kid of lame anyways."
"Yeah it was," August laughed, "The only dances I went to I went with my friends to hit on girls so it was really different."
"Yeah you a player," I laughed and shoved his chest a little.
"You better not be!" Miah warned, laughing.
"I aint no more I promise," he laughed and took a seat next to Miah. I put his arm around her and kissed her head. I laughed and leaned on Miah's headboard. "Wow so this is what being a third wheel feels like," I laughed as I watched Miah and August cuddle.
"Sorry B," Miah laughed, cuddling into his chest. I shook my head, laughing a bit too. I got my phone out and started scrolling through instagram. I saw a few posts about the dance and their dates. I went up to my stories and clicked on the first one. It was someone from our school who is friends with Melo and Will. I watched it and it was of the dance. The next one was a video of him dancing around. The next one was of a slow dance. I went back to it and looked closely at the video. It was Will and one of Ashley's friends, Riley. They were slow dancing together. "Will got over me fast," I laughed a little bit like it didn't hurt. I showed them the video and shrugged a little bit. "Why you always get played like that?" August looked at me.
"I don't know honestly," I sighed and stood up, "Imma call May and have her come get me. You guys have fun."
"No stayyy," Miah sighed, sitting up.
"No I wanna just go home and be alone right now," I told her. She sighed and nodded her head. "Okay, call us though if you need us," she told me. She stood up and gave me a hug. I hugged back right away and sighed. I texted May after we pulled away from our hug. I have August a hug a went downstairs and waited on the porch.

May pulled up about 15 minutes later or so and I got into the car. "Not a good night?" she asked as she pulled out of the drive way.
"Not at all," I looked over at her.
"What happened?" she sighed, glancing at me as she drove.
"Well Melo kissed me and then told Will I kissed him and told him I wanted Melo back when I don't and then Will ditched me for Ashley's friend," I sighed.
"Wow," she sighed, "That's a lot."
"I know," I shrugged, "And Miah and August are happy as ever together and I cant even keep a guy for longer than a month."
"It'll get better, you're just in high school," she nodded at me. She pulled up to the house and we both got out. "If mom was here she would know exactly what to do to make me fee better," I sighed and went inside. I went up to my room, not talking to Chase. I shut the door behind me and changed into a pair of shorts and Will's hoodie he gave me earlier. I laid down in my bed and stared at the ceiling. What is wrong with me?? Why cant I keep a date? What is wrong with LaMelo?? He cheated on me. He shouldn't be jealous about anything. "It's just high school"

Who do you think she should be with?? Take Melo back or talk it out with Will??

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