On The Low

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*Rosalie's POV*

I'm sorry for what I said. I forgive you.

He forgives me... For what happened.. Really? Oh thank god. He is all I can think about.. I cant think about anything but him.. It's crazy... He's like stuck to me and I don't know how to get him off.

You do?

Yes I'm sorry. I just was scared of what Melo would think and our friendship but he obviously isn't my friend if he would try to break us up because I'm obviously really happy with you.

That's true.

But maybe we could keep us on the low for a little bit?

I'm fine with that.

So what are we?

Talking right now. But I'm okay with moving fast.

So am I.

Okay ☺️

I smiled big and put my phone away. I stood up and put the blade away into my cabinet. I pulled my sleeve down and went back out into my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and looked over at my calendar. My moms birthday is coming up... No wonder I been mess lately... I stood up and drew a smiley face on the date. I smiled a little bit looking at the date. I set my marker back down and went downstairs. I sat down by Chase and looked at him. "Can we take a trip back to Michigan?" I asked.
"Why?" he looked at me.
"Mom's birthday is next week and I want to visit her grave..."
"We don't have that kind of money right now Rosalie.. I'm sorry," he sighed.
"Please Chase!" I sighed, looking at him.
"We cant Rosalie!" he raised his voice at me, "I cant help that we don't have all the money in the world right now."
"Whatever," I sighed and stood up. I went upstairs and went to August's room. I shut the door behind me and looked at him. He was laughing at something on his phone. "Hold on babe Rosalie just walked in," he told the phone.
"Hey Rosieee!!!" I heard Miah yell through the phone. I huffed and looked at him. "You're going to ignore me too," I walked out and shut the door. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm so emotional. It's just my moms birthday coming up I swear. I sat on my bed and took a deep breath. I got my phone out and called Will on facetime. It rang a few times but he picked up. "What's up?" he asked.
"Can I come over?" I sighed, "I need to just cuddle right now," I nodded.
"Yeah come over," he smiled at me. I hung the phone up and went downstairs. "I'm going on a walk," I told them.
"Be back by curfew," Chase told me. I nodded and walked out. I went across the street to Wills. I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. His mom opened the door and smiled at me. "Hey sweetie! Havent seen you over in awhile," she told me.
"I know," I laughed a bit.
"Will is up in his room," she let me in.
"Thank you," I smiled at her. I took my shoes off and jogged upstairs to Will's room. I knocked and walked in. I smiled over at him. "Hey cutie," he smiled at me. I smiled and laid next to him in bed. "Hey," I giggled. I cuddled up into his chest and closed my eyes. "I missed you," I sighed.
"I know you did, I did too," he nodded and held me. I cuddled up into his chest and kissed his cheek. I smiled small and watched him run his hand up an down my arm.

I stayed at Wills for awhile. I sat up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Babe can you stay longer?" he pouted at me.
"I wish I could but I cant," I sighed a little, "I have to shower yet and I have to be home by 9 so."
"I know," he pouted at me and sat up as well. I kissed his cheek a few times and stood up. "Tomorrow after school you want to come over?" he asked.
"Yeah I do," I nodded and smiled at him.
"Alright meet me here after school and you can stay for dinner?" he asked.
"Sure," I smiled and he stood up. He hugged me tight and rubbed my back. "I'm glad we are back to normal babe," he whispered.
"Me too," I sighed happily, hugging him tight, "I'll see you then baby." I pulled away and went downstairs. I waved at his mom and smiled at him. "I'll see you tomorrow," I smiled at him.
"Oh yeah is it cool if she stays for dinner tomorrow?" Will asked his mom.
"No that's fine," she smiled at him.
"Cool, I'll see you after school then," he smiled at me. I kissed his cheek and nodded. "See you guys then," I waved at them and walked out. As I was walking out Melo was pulling up. "What are you doing here?" Melo asked.

Uh ohhh

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